So I got myself the White DS but now after a few months a question comes into play: How do I clean it without damaging the casing?firebirdboi06
The best way to clean it is to get a nice eyeglass microfiber wipe that peopel get when they purchase a pair of glasses. You can buy them separately too.
Honestly, you coudl use a nice quality cotton fabric, like a nice tee shirt or so, BUT the absolute best way to get rid of smudges and fingerprints and other stuff that might get on the ds is a microfiber wipe that comes with glasses...
I use Windex and paper towel for the screen, soap and water with rag for the outer part. A cutip for the stylus holder, buttons,etc.WSGRandomPerson
Using paper towels for the screen might be ok, but a rag for the outer part can be risky, depnd. on the type of rag...Using a nicer clothe/cotton rag that is smooth, or smoother in texture than the standard kitchen towel/rags are better.
Defunct said..."What do you guys used to remove "stubborn stains?" I've heard liquid such as water is not recommended."
Really, I never had any stubborn stains. I woudl think that a nice, cooton rag that is not some cheap walmart rag shoudl be ok, but dont rub too hard or too excessively or I am sure it will cause those minor cosmetic sratches.
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