I just reached the area where you obtain the screw attack power, but i am unable to use it to get across to the platform which is out of reach of normal jumps. I am basically stuck and cannot progress unless i use the screw attack, however i seem to be unable to use this maneuver even if i spam the Jump button. Help?
You must time your button presses. Don't just tap the button. Leave a bit of a pause in between presses. Practive a bit. You'll get a hang of the timing pretty quickly.
Yeah it took me awhile to figure out that spamming it doesn't work well. I was pretty amazed at how much further I was able to jump when I actually timed my presses lol.
Yeah, the screw attack only jumps 5 times, so you have to press jump at the end of each of your jumps to actually get any where. Spamming the button doesn't work at all.
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