[QUOTE="bofe1234"]Exactly my point. from the preview it seems like a lengthy part and there is no backtracking. which proves my point that there might be less backtracking. Agreed i didnt really like mp2 compared to mp1. but i wasnt saying that backtracking or scanning is a bad thing. its just something that i dont really care for. some people may like it but for me it just feels kindof redundant in parts. like if you want the secret cutscene you have to scan everything. thats rediculous IMO. the games hard enough. beating it is an accomplishment i should at least get something. sure scanning is an intregal part of some puzzles but dont make it require of every single object in the game.
Also i really like MPH. i dont know why so many people bash it. i think it is a solid part of the series and it is a part of the timeline in some way. just because its different doesnt make it bad. "its not a main title"? thats like saying DQ9 isnt a main part of the series just because its on the ds and different from the rest.
Not exactly your point, from what we all know there are several planets to explore, that ship is nothing like a lenghty part compared to the rest. There will be just as much backtracking as in previous Metroids, unless Retro wants to really make of Metroid a shooter. Don't wish for a strictly linear game, that's not Metroid.
As for having 100%, that's called challenge and replay value, too bad for quiters.
I'm sorry, but does it say Metroid Prime 3: Hunters? It's a spin off made by some company while Retro was working on the real deal. But I can clearly see the "IX" under "Dragon Quest". There's nothing to discuss. MPH was done for the sake of pushing DS sales with an online FPS when the PSP still could have won... Unfortunately, Nintendo didn't have anything better than Metroid to make an FPS and a new IP wouldn't get attention. Just look at the logo: "More hunters. More ways to kill" Sure sounds like a proper Metroid Prime, huh?
Agreed it will probably have the same amount. but if the opening level is any indication maybe. i dont see less backtracking being a problem. I do think some backtracking is good but MP2 pushed it way too far and it just became repetitive after a while.
No its not called a challenge its called insanity. The method for getting 100% is soo lame its ungodly. *go into the room look at ever single thing, scan it, kill everything scan it, rinse and repeat in every single room there follows* its so pointless to the ending cutscene was BS and it wasnt worth it considering it was on xplay like a year later. sure maybe some people (all both of them) like to scan everything but you must agree that at some point it becomes annoying. seriously one thing missed could cause you to get a 99% instead of 100. which means more backtracking through every room until you find that one thing you missed. Insanity i tell you. Sure its not required but i like to fully complete games, but that is just asking too much.
It may be made by a different company but it doesnt mean it doesnt fit into the story or lend itself to other titles. Nintendo has to approve of it after all. Sure its a spin off, but i really like MPH and i think your giving it a bad rep. Do you honestly think nintendo just put it out there because of sales and online. it was originally suppose to be out at launch but then was delayed to add online. And isnt every game to push sales? btw the ds was already dominating the psp in sales when hunters came out so it really didnt matter if it came out or not. i spent more time on the single player than online anyway. the game can hold itself up as a decent single player expereince. lol your using a logo to prove a point lmao. its just a marketing slogan who cares. it doesnt make the game any less great than it is. it may not be better than the others but its still a great game. Also i dont understand what your trying to say for DQ9.
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