I Ev trained a Starmie a long time ago, way before I discovered Smogon and Serebii, and I just figured out that Timid natures were more reliable than Mild natures are. Will it really matter because I don't wanna go through the breeding again since I've been doing that over and over xD I checked my Staryus that I bred before, but non were timid or modest :\ Current stats at level 93: 233 Hp 144 Att 157 Def 283 Sp. Attack 163 Sp. Def 305 Spd Moveset=Surf (planning to change to hydro pump), Ice Beam, Psychic, Thunderbolt (changing to recover) Does breeding again for a Timid nature be worth the time plus all the leveling by using Elite Four?
Unless you're into competitive battling, that nature should be fine. Also you mention you're changing the move surf to hydro pump, that isn't really advised, while hydro pump is a stronger move (120 compared to surf's 95), it isn't all that reliable (80% hit rate compared to surf's 100%) and it doesn't have much pp (5 compared to surf's 15).
Aw :\ coz I was actually working on being a competitive trainer xD otherwise I wouldn't EV train... Oh yeah and thx for the hydro pump advice xD I was just thinking of making my starmie a back-up sweeper in case my physical sweepers die.
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