I don't know if this has been brought up yet, I found it in another forum, no source, though. From the Shiggy conference:
About Zelda in general...
What is a Zelda game? They've been having discussion at HQ. The stories have evolved over time, graphics improve, but what is the best way to move the franchise forward?
Miyamoto's idea is.. to give the player a more impacting experience and really feel Link's journey through the game, by creating memories of the characters you meet and things you face along the way. These would be things that would differ for each person as they play their own way through, so everyone would have unique memories. How you approach a dungeon, solve a puzzle, or complete a side quest all add to this.
Right now, for each game they are mainly iterating on variations of controls, level designs, etc.. so he wants to see the series evolve in more meaningful ways.
He wanted to show a new Zelda for Wii today, but they want to focus on development before announcing or showing anything. Instead he brought an illustration to prove they are far into development of a new game, because it contained characters that are deeply involved even into the later stages of the game. He's hoping to release next year, but may take a "little longer" (laugh). Illustration was Link with one smaller whitish character, looked a bit like a female relative of the Zora.
Damn. Just damn.
When Miyamoto goes "We've been doing too much of the same, now it's time to change for real", that means a bomb dropping more devastating than Hiroshima, sorry for the sad comparison. And that memories stuff just sounds unreal and sick. I'm feeling it, I'm starting to feel the win approaching...
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