Clubhouse Games. You can get it for $30 and it has dozens of card and board games, including chess and checkers. It also has rummy, which is probably my favorite card game. Best value on the DS, hands down.
Bomberman Land Touch is a great buy if you like multiplayer Bomberman, as it has wi-fi capabilities. The single-player isn't very good, though if you play it for a while you will likely find yourself sucked into it. It has an odd quality about it where you just want to finish it out of spite.
Other winners include Mario Kart DS (of course) and New Super Mario Bros. NSMB is short, but it's the best Mario game I've played since Super Mario World. Advance Wars is good, as others have stated, and is addictive, though I see you can only find that one for $60 and at that rate I might pass. I just picked up SimCity DS and if you like SimCity, that's what this is, though the controls are pretty awkward as far as I can tell and you only get one save slot, which is ridiculous.
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