The Wii's motion-based controls are good and all for game like Twilight Princess, Warioware and etc, but they should have no place in a game like Metal Slug Anthology. I consider myself a purist and try to be as much of one as I can be, so the control schemes for that game just didn't work for me. I'm not alone in my opinion as IGN mentions it as well in their review of MSA for the PS2. Here are some quick quotes:
'During the debut of Wii last November, arcade enthusiasts were treated to the first release of SNK's Metal Slug Anthology; a 10 year anniversary package including seven true-to-arcade emulations of over a decade of Metal Slug goodness. The only problem: Control. Despite being an arcade shooter that makes use of only three buttons and a joystick, Metal Slug Anthology didn't adapt well to motion control, and couldn't make use of any previously-released arcade sticks, making the anthology anything but perfect for hardcore coin-op enthusiasts.'
'As a true collection of the Metal Slug series, the PS2 version stands tall above the rest... the ability to use the control set-up you want is priceless.'
I've voiced my concerns over this before and have been shot down by the more hardcore Wii fans of this board. If you like motion-based controls, then fine. I would at least like to have seen the option for some sort support for a more 'old school' control scheme - ie C l a s s i c Controller support. I hope the PS2 version sells the most. That should send a message to Nintendo that fans of the game will not stand for the exclusion of support for a more 'c l a s s i c' control scheme.
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