I do enjoy timeline theories for Zelda. The way I see it is this: first of all, any game that came before Oot should not be counted into any kind of Timeline theory. Obviously, these games were ment to be spereate stories with different Links, Zeldas, and Ganons, all in different Universes (though, I never played Zelda II, I suppose that one follows the first, but it makes no difference because no other game follows it). This would also include the Oracle games, I think those came out after Oot, but they shouldn't count at all, they have nothing to do with the triforce.
Ok, second, It's obvious that MM is a direct sequel to Oot and that WW is a sequel as well. But they don't seem to flow to well. Split timeline theory seems to make sense here. When in Oot young link goes back into his own time and presumably tells Young Zelda about Ganondorfs betrayal, he is no longer the hero of time, then he does his MM thing. When Adult Link defeats Ganondorf and then disapears, he is considered the hero of time, and there's peace, until evil starts to come back after a while and the whole of Hyrule is flodded (told in WW). Then a new Link is born, I don't think of it as a reincarnation, just a new Link who was choosen by the gods to carry the triforce of courage and the tradition of heros. Then WW happens I'm sure you know all about it. The thing to keep in mind about WW is that at the end of it, they no longer have any triforce power. The Triforce is finally brought together after it had been seperated in Oot when Ganondorf tryed to make his wish on it. Then the King makes his wish and the triforce is returned to the sacred realm. Thus, in any game after this, they wouldn't have the triforce on their hands.
But, and I'm sorry this has gotten really long, in TP they do have the triforce marks (not to mention Ganondorf obviously has the Triforce of Power). You could say that this is because its in the Young Links time line, but the Triforce was never seperated in that time line so it doesn't make sense. There are only two other options: 1. TP is a seperate game and has nothing to do with the timeline of OoT. I like to think this personally, because I didn't like that in TP Link isn't a character, he's just and extention of Midna, the physical part of her that does all the work. Its really her story and has nothing to do with the triforce. Or 2. TP happens after Adult Link in Oot, but before WW. For me, this doesn't make as much sense because Ganondorf, at the end of Oot, curses Adult Link. You think he'd remember a guy like that, but he doesn't even acknowledge Link when he faces him in the end of TP.
Wow, I'm a huge loser.
Edit: ah, forgot my question. So where the hell does TP fit for anyone else?
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