Hiya, lucky Wii-Owning folks! This is a small sample of my troubles getting a Wii...Enjoy!
I didn't really care much about the Wii until the night before it came out. It's not really my type of system but I was certainly in the mood for something new (I LOVE my 360 and PC but I cannot sleep at night when there are systems on the market that I don't have). So I got caught up in all the Wii-Mania and off to Best Buy I went to stand all night. When they finally gave out tickets the store had 55 Wii's and guess where I was in line...56th
Ever since then I have been calling and ckecking all the local places but to no avail. It just always seems like I am a step behind. Take yesterday for example. I headed off to Best Buy to grab Crackdown at around 5:00PM. While I was there I did my usual Wii check and of course they had nothing. I bought Crackdown and headed off to Target in search of a cheap-o DVD rack. I got a pretty nice 45 DVD tower for 11 bucks and again did the Wii check and of course, nothing. While I was in the area I decided to check WalMart for a Wii and, well, you know how that one turned out.
So I get home and arrange my 31 360 games on my new tower and for whatever reason I decide that I want to get a DS Lite. I already have a DS but I never play it because it bothers me that there's a new one out that I don't have. I just had to buy SOMETHING and since I can't find a Wii and the PS3 isn't worth the money I thought a new, sleek DS would quench my thirst. So I call my girlfriend up and ask her if she wants to accompany me for the drive and off we went...Back to Best Buy about an hour and a half since I was just there.
I walk in and head to the Nintendo area and BOOM! Wii's all over the place! By the time I managed to get down the aisle they were all gone! Right in front of my eyes person after person grabbed a Wii and happily skipped to the register. I almost lost control. I was JUST there!! I then overheard someone talking about how everywhere else had just sold out. So, thinking that maybe there was a trend here I called WalMart, Target, Gamestop, and ToysRus and all four had just sold out.
So, the second I drove out of the city FIVE stores that I had just checked for Wiis stocked up and sold out during the hour and a half that I was at home...
I don't think it is quite meant to be with me and the Wii...
And I didn't get the DS Lite either...I was too upset...
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