My team for Elite 4 (diamond) wasting money here

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#1 Teloc
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

i can beat the First 4 guys easy enough with a little trouble on the Psychic user, but Cynthia ALWAYS wrecks me and i only take out 1 or 2 of her Team.

Any criticism is welcome Except "you gotta level them up" trust me I Know i do lol

here they are.

1. Azelf lvl 52: (Extrasensory, Uproar, Iron Tail, Nasty Plot)

2. Infernape lvl 51: (Return, Fire Blast, Close Combat, Grass Knot)

3. Tentacruel lvl 47: (Surf, Brine, Sludge Bomb, Blizzard)

4. Medichan lvl 45: (Force Palm, Hi Jump Kick, Psych Up, Drain Punch)

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#2 Teloc
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

5. Dialga lvl 52: (Thunder, Ancient Power, Dragon Claw, Roar of Time)

6. Garchomp lvl 48: (Dragon pulse, Crunch, Dragon Claw, Hyper Beam)
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#3 ricardover3
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts

The best advice I can give is, go to the Weakness Type at the Pokewatch, and use moves that are super effective against her Pokémons.

Be warned that her team is very balanced. Another advice, buy some vitamins to up Speed, Attack and Sp. attack, so your Pokés will become sweepers and will be able to faint her pokés before they can attack. Once again, that will only happen if you fix your move sets.

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#4 Teloc
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

Thats another problem for me, the last part of this topic should have read "im wasting money"

buying up alot of potions betwen e4 runs costs me like 40-50k each run, so i might just use vs seeker and train in victory road for a while.

when i can spare it ill buy up some vitamins, and i would also like to buy up the 3 punches (fir ice and thunder) for my Medichan to make him useful at say lvl 55+, maybe.

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#5 batsy4life
Member since 2007 • 815 Posts
In all honesty try your best to balance out the "types" that would be super effective against elite 4. Instead of spending, just lvl up, its easier. Spend just one day (not the entire day of course) but focus on one of your pokes a day and get them to 60 or 55 each at least(accompany the right items while training). Sound like alot, but its worth it. Just take some time thats all. If you wat some item tell me I might have it.(PM me if necessary)--hope it helps
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#6 Garungax
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1. Try to go in with Pokemon that are at least level 58 or higher.(Train in Victory Road)
2. The Attack or Special Attack stat of all your Pokemon should exceed 100.
3. The Defense or Special Defense stat of all your Pokemon should exceed 100.
4. Try to have one Pokemon with a move that never misses (ex. Aerial Ace, Swift, or Faint Attack)
5. Try to bring the following medicines: 10 revives, 5 max revives, 10 hyper potions, 5 full heals, 5 full restores, 5 elixirs.

I honestly don't believe that there are naturally strong Pokemon, so I won't offer advice on what line-up you should create but I'll give you tips on every Elite Four member:

AARON (Bug Type Trainer)
*If any of his Pokemon's HP reach the red zone, he will use a full restore, so try not to give him the opportunity to do so. Use attacks that take away a lot of HP.
*Use a strong fire or flying type Pokemon.
*Do not use psychic type Pokemon.
*Recommended Pokemon to Use: Infernape or Staraptor
1. Dustox Lv. 53
Dustox isn't much of a problem if you have a powerful flying, fire, or psychic move.
2. Heracross Lv. 54
Heracross is also weak against flying, fire, and psychic moves.
3. Vespiquen Lv. 54
Try not to drag out a battle with his Vespiquen. Due to its ability, Pressure, it will make your Pokemon's PP go down faster which isn't good for your Pokemon in the long-run. A strong fire or flying move will work just fine.
4. Beautifly Lv. 53
Fire, rock, lightning, or flying moves will take this one down easily.
5. Drapion Lv. 57
This is his most powerful Pokemon. Unlike the others, flying and fire type moves won't have much affect on this one. If anything, use a ground type move.

BERTHA (Ground Type Trainer)
*If any of her Pokemon's HP reach the red zone, she will use a full restore, so try not to give her the opportunity to do so. Use attacks that take away a lot of HP.
*Use a strong water, grass, steel, or ice type Pokemon.
*Do not use a flying, electric, or fire type Pokemon.
*Recommended Pokemon to Use: Torterra or Empoleon
1. Quagsire Lv. 55
This is probably the most annoying Pokemon in her whole line-up. It uses attacks that prevent your Pokemon from hitting it. The good news is that this Pokemon rarely uses actual attack moves, so your Pokemon won't receive much damage. My best suggestion is to try to KO this Pokemon with one hit or use moves that never fail to hit. Don't use Shock Wave for it will have no effect; Moves like Aerial Ace, Swift, or Faint Attack will always hit. If you want to kill it in one hit, a powerful grass move will do the trick.
2. Hippowdon Lv. 59
Hippowdon's ability creates a Sandstorm on the field. This is a problem seeing as it slowly hacks away at your Pokemon's HP and lowers the accuracy of your Pokemon. My suggestion is to try to take down this Pokemon with a powerful water, ice, or grass attack.
3. Sudowoodo Lv. 57
If she hasn't already started a Sandstorm, Sudowoodo will be the first to execute it. Use a powerful water, ice, steel, or grass move to take down this Pokemon.
4. Whiscash Lv. 55
This Pokemon has very few weaknesses so it may be a tough opponent. A grass type move will work best.
5. Golem Lv. 56
This Pokemon has very low Special Defense, so it might be a good idea to use a Special Attack move. Water, ice, steel, and grass type moves will work best.

FLINT (Fire Type Trainer)
*If any of his Pokemon's HP reach the red zone, he will use a full restore, so try not to give him the opportunity to do so. Use attacks that take away a lot of HP.
*Use a strong water, ground, rock or fighting type Pokemon.
*Do not use grass, electric, or psychic type Pokemon.
*Recommended Pokemon to Use: Gastrodon, Quagsire, Whiscash, or Empoleon
1. Rapidash Lv. 58
A typical fire Pokemon, which will be easy to KO with a strong rock, ground or water type move. Be careful though, his Rapidash knows Solarbeam, a move that is very effective against water Pokemon.
2. Infernape Lv. 61
His Infernape is quick, so be sure that your Pokemon can take a hit before attacking. Also, be cautious when using a water Pokemon, his Infernape knows Thunderpunch. Water, ground, or psychic moves will work against this Pokemon.
3. Steelix Lv. 57
A pretty simple Pokemon to beat. Just use a strong water, ground, or grass move.
4. Lopunny Lv. 57
Attack moves are very effective against this Pokemon especially fighting moves.
5. Drifblim Lv. 58
This is his most powerful Pokemon. Like Bertha's Quagsire, Flint's Drifblim has the move Double Team which will lower the chances of your Pokemon's attacks hitting. Try to take it down quickly; a dragged out battle won't be a good thing, especially if it uses Will-O-Wisp to burn your Pokemon. Ghost or Dark moves are strongest against it. Be careful though, Drifblim's ability, Aftermath, will do considerable damage to your Pokemon once its been KO'd.

LUCIAN (Psychic Type Trainer)
*If any of his Pokemon's HP reach the red zone, he will use a full restore, so try not to give him the opportunity to do so. Use attacks that take away a lot of HP.
*Use a strong dark or ghost type Pokemon.
*Do not use fighting, bug, or poison type Pokemon.
*Recommended Pokemon to Use: Honchrow, Skunktank, Weavile, or Dialga
1. Mr. Mime Lv. 59
The first move this Pokemon usually practices is Reflect or Light Screen. Try to attack before these moves are used, seeing as they lower your Pokemon's damage ratio considerably. A good dark, bug, or ghost move will take down this Pokemon.
2. Girafarig Lv. 59
Being a normal/psychic type, the usual ghost moves will not work against it. Use dark or bug moves.
3. Medicham Lv. 60
This Pokemon has a wide array of moves that can take down many different types of Pokemon. Try to be quick when KOing this one. Flying, dark, or ghost moves should do the trick.
4. Alakazam Lv. 60
Alakazam is a pretty tough Pokemon. Everything that is strong against it is also weak against it, so you may have a bit of a challenge on your hands. Dark, ghost, or bug moves are super effective on it, but it has moves like Focus Blast (which is strong against Dark types) and Psychic (which is strong against Ghost and Bug). Overall, just do the best you can.
5. Bronzong Lv. 63
This is his most powerful Pokemon. Bronzong has very high Defense which makes most Dark moves weak against it. Ghost moves also don't have much of an effect. I suggest trying to hit it with some powerful fire moves. Be quick about it too; once it uses Calm Mind to raise its Special stats, it will be nearly invincible.

CYNTHIA (Various Type Trainer)
*If any of her Pokemon's HP reach the red zone, she will use a full restore, so try not to give her the opportunity to do so. Use attacks that take away a lot of HP.
*Due to the varied type differences of her team, I can't say which Pokemon will best dominate the battle.
1. Spiritomb Lv. 61
Spiritomb is a Ghost/Dark type Pokemon, meaning that it has no weaknesses. Any type of move besides fighting, normal, and psychic will give it damage. Try not to drag out the battle. Its ability, Pressure, lowers your Pokemon's PP at a faster rate which won't help you in the long-run. Also, watch out for its move, Embargo. This move will prevent you from using items on your Pokemon, which will be bad news if you're banking on recovery medicines.
2. Garchomp Lv. 66
One of her most powerful Pokemon, Garchomp is fast and has very powerful moves. Use strong Ice or Dragon moves on it. Battling this Pokemon will basically be a battle of endurance.
3. Gastrodon Lv. 60
A powerful grass type move will take this Pokemon down easily. Be careful though; if you use a grass Pokemon, watch out for Gastrodon's Sludge Bomb.
4. Roserade Lv. 60
This one isn't as much of a threat as her other Pokemon, but it's still tough. Using a psychic Pokemon seems like a good idea at first, but her Roserade comes equipped with Shadow Ball, which is bad news for any psychic type. I suggest using Ice, Fire, or Flying moves.
5. Milotic Lv. 63
Milotic's move, Aqua Ring, can get pretty annoying seeing as it restores its HP by a little after each turn. Try to take down this Pokemon quickly. I also suggest using strong Attack moves, because Milotic's Mirror Coat delivers severe damage after being hit by Special moves. Electric or grass moves work best. Also, be careful when using a grass type, Milotic has Ice Beam.
6. Lucario Lv. 63
Fire, ground, or fighting type moves work best against this Pokemon. Be careful though, Lucario has a wide array of attacks that allow it to defeat many different types. I would suggest using a strong Ground-type Pokemon against it.

Well, that's all the advice I've got. Hope it helps you alittle. ^^
Good luck~!!
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#7 catzrule17186
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts
Hey, i was just wondering. In pokemon diamond, if you beat the elite 4 40 times, does your rival get better again by 10 levels? I finished beating the elite 4 20 times (took forever) and saw that my pokemon were stilllll a lot better than his. i seriously need a bigger challenge! yeesh. thxs.
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#8 menosdemon
Member since 2009 • 518 Posts

teach tentacruel ice beam and give it a quick claw.

teach medicham ice punch and give it another quick claw (if you have another)

garchomp and spiritomb are the biggest problems, but that should help for the most part.