I am like 32 hours into Twilight Princess at the part where you find the big partly destroyed cannon. I am assuming you will need it to get to the Sky Temple. Anyways, I saved my game here just as a I entered the room because I had to do something and now I cannot advance any further. Whenever I try to get Midna to transport the cannon out she says she can't because that Harry Potter look a like guy is in the room, and whenever I try to leave the room he always stops me and says "Where are you going".
So I went online to check a walkthrough, because I was stuck, and apparently its a known bug that if you save here the game bugs out so you can't progress further. Apparently the Harry potter guy is supposed to leave the room if you don't save here.
Has this ever happened to anyone else before or does anyone know a way around it? I can't believe I am so close to the end and I might have to do it all again :(
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