My bday is 4/3 i was wondering should i buy a wii my dad said he would buy me guiter hero 2 cod3 stalker battlfield 2142 and not a wii i can get a wii with one game should i buy it or should i by other stuff i really want to play sonic
read all the other posts with info on the wii, you cant rely on others to tell you what to buy or what not to buy, its your decision. If you think you will get more bang for your buck with lots of entertainment time then why not? If you think the other offer your dad put on the table is much better then go for it.
My bday is 4/3 i was wondering should i buy a wii my dad said he would buy me guiter hero 2 cod3 stalker battlfield 2142 and not a wii i can get a wii with one game should i buy it or should i by other stuff i really want to play sonicYUGIOH111
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