Jasonguy is actually kinda right with this one!
Just got my disc and tried it, first let me say I'm in the same situation as him, I've tried it on all 3 consoles in my house wirelessly with a great connection and let me say,
the wii DEFINETLY has by far the lowest quality of the 3 with a lot of very noticable compression!
Its still great imo just saying their is a drop in quality on the wii, wether thats netflix's fault or the wii's I have no idea!
Being right, I Haz it
Now after a day of experimenting with it I know what the problem is too
The first thing I had to do is give each device that runs Netflix a set mbps, I settled on 5 since that's cake for all the devices to get wiresless or hard wired
THEN I set out to monitor the stream and I found out many interesting things
1. The Wii runs in a lower resolution then any other feeds, even the SD Roku runs at a hgher resolution
Now I know the Wii has a smaller memory BUT here's the thing, Netflix works like this. It takes in the 1st part of the movie and then when you're done watching it the second part of the movie will be ready, this is how you can watch instantly.
Let's say Godzilla has 6 chunks for the HD version
Well the Wii version also has 6 chunk at the lower resolution
Now a simple way to allow the Wii to have a better resolution is to give it 12 chunks
See where I'm going here?
I watched many things today and no matter what it was the Wii had the same chunks as everything else despite the lower resolution
Now making 12 chunks means work for Netflix and I'm sure they don't want to do it but that's where complaining comes in.
For everyone who says it looks fine that's great you "think" it is but matched up even with other SD devices it's not. That means it can be better if you complain. When they ask how the movie or show looked rate it how it should be rated. Don't rate it on the level that you think it's good because it's the Wii and you like it.
So does this make sense to everyone now?
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