do you know of a good site for me to read up on pokemon before i try out one of the new games.stEElyDaN909
This is probably the most used site on the internet for this sort of thing. It has EVERYTHING pokemon, so be expected to run into plenty of anime and TCG stuff along with game updates. If you want to learn about the games, they are on the left hand side of the main page.
I'd also like to give my two cents about competetive battling. I got into it, but gave it up once I realized that most of my opponents were either:
1: Kids who didn't know how to play competetively.
2: 20something year olds who don't work, live with their parents and spend the majority of their time playing Pokemon.
^Now this does not apply to everyone, obviously, but I really don't feel comfortable playing with people who treat a kids game like it's a religion. I don't care how much depth the battle system has or how much customization the game has to offer: the game is still directed at the 7-13 year old demographic and they are the primary customers. That doesn't mean that only kids can enjoy the game. Lots of people of all ages enjoy pokemon. It just means that it's made primarily for kids, and I couldn't feel comfortable being around a bunch of people who take it waaaaay too seriously.
I think that introducing he to competitive battling movesets even before he plays any game can ruin his gameplay experience. The use of most of the movesets used there has full gamebreaking potential. Let's get real, what, in DPPt, can stop ,say, a standard Nasty Plot Infernape, a Mixmence, a SD scizor, or something like that? Maybe ONE trainer can take down ONE of these threats. I've plown through the entire game using a Mixape and a Staraptor, both not properly EVed.
Edit: About yours two cents, the Politetrafluoretileno (I don't know how it's named in english), also called Teflon, was made to be used only in astronaut equipment, but I bet that you have in your house a frying pan in which it was used.
I say that you should play without reading anything about it, and only when you feel that you want something more and start battling other people, you read about strategies. There has no need, really.
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