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#1 RockyBatboa
Member since 2011 • 25 Posts
Hello, Gamestop DS Board. Just figured I'd formally introduce myself. My name is Chris from Los Angelas, and I have only recently gotten back into playing video games. As a kid, I played the older Nintendo console systems(SuperNintendo,N64,ect), but moved away from that as they no longer felt entertaining. Recently, after joining the military, where a roomate literally gave me his GameBoyAdvaqnce and about 15 of his games, I first heard about the DS. He had just returned from a tour in Iraq, and I had just graduated from Basic Training, and I was kind of moaning about the total boredom, as at that time the base's unit was kind of in a period of slow-down, and noone was doing anything. He literally threw his gba in my lap, and mentioned he was buying a DS, so he didnt need it anymore. That was when I first heard about the DS. anyway, that was actually a few years ago. Within a month or two of when he gave me his gba , I ended up selling it and the games, too. I tried to get into it, but I felt the graphics were subpar, and his choice of games was really crappy anyway, in my opinion, so if I recall correctly I sold the gba system to Gamestop for about 70 bucks, and the games 5-10 a piece, for a total of about 125 bucks.... Anyway, moving ahead with my personal story hear, about 8 months ago(after discharge from the armed forces...haha, what a joke the military is....I ended up staying with my sister, in her house, because she recently had her husband cheat on her and diviorce her, and she was a nurse, and single mother for her kids, I offered to babysit her kids, as I was inbetween work and such, and kinda needed a place to stay at that time. So, I notice my two nephews have older versions of the gba, and a Wii, and a DS a piece, so one day I'm like, "Hey, Josh, let me check out those games, and your DS", and he's like "No!", and I'm like "Dude, what do you mean 'no'? I'm your uncle." (yeah, pathetic, I know, I played the Uncle card). So , I'm looking through his games, and I'm like, wow, New SuperMario Bros, Final Fantasy 4, Dragon Quest 5, Batman Lego, ect., ect., ect., ect.....this **** pretty cool. So, needless to say, a few months ago, I bought my own DS, and have recently acquired a 20+ game collection. (it was 35, but I recently threw 15 of the games in the trash, and never looked back.) So, basically, I'm new here, and figured since I dont know if this goes in the profile or I just post it in a message, I would introduce myself, and share my game interests, what's in my collection, and what I plan on buying in the futrue. So, first off, I own a black/red DS (I might post a pic later, not sure), and these are the 21 games that I own:(in aprentesis, + for what I liked, - for what I didnt) New Super Mario Bros (+) Rune Factory:Fantasy Harvest Moon(?) Mario/Luigi:Bowser's Inside Story(+) Robacalypse(?) Yoshi's Island DS (+) Super Robot Taisen Og Saga:endless frontier(-) Henry Hatzworth in the Puzzling Adventure(+) Professor Layton : Diabolical Box(?) Sonic Rush(+) Ace Atorney Investigations: Miles Hedgeworth(?) Sonic Colors (+) Mystery Dungeon:Shiren the Wanderer(?) Mega Man Zero Collection(+) Final Fantasy 3(?) Mega Man ZX Advent (+) Final Fantasy:4 Heroes of Light(?) Metal Slug 7(?) Batman:Brave and the Bold(?) Dragon Quest 9(-) Legendary Starfy(-) Lufia:Curse of the Sinistrials(?) I put question marks next to the games that I havent yet had the chance to play, as I bought quite a few togeather each time I went to Gamestop, and even though I wont list them all, these are some of the games on my radar: Advance Wars:Days of Ruin, Assaisn's Creed 2, Avalon Code, Contra 4, Contact, Dragon Quest Heroes Rocket Slime, Dragon Quest 4, Final FantasyCrsyatal Chronicles:Echoes of Time, Garfiedl's Nightmare, Kirby Super Star Ultra, Kingdom Hearts358 Days, Knights in the Nightmare, Legend of Kay, Mega Man ZX Advent, Mega Man Star Force, Nano Stray 1+2, Profesor Layton's Curious Village/Unwound Future, Rune Factory 2 and 3, Rondo of Swords, Super Mario 64 DS, Super Princess Peach, Super Scribblenauts, Sonic Sega Star Racing, Dragon Quest 6, Trauma Center:Under the Knife 1 and 2, and Tokyo Beat Down. Anyway, I know this was a long intro, and stuff, but I hope I didnt bore anyone to tears, and any heads up on other games that you find interesting, or if you need any help with some of the games I've played, I'd be glad to help. Of the games I've played, I've beat all of them. Oh, and I'm also exited about the 3DS, and some of the lineup...things should continue to get interesting with that. I cant wait!
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#2 Detroit222
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Welcome. You picked out one of the best websites for learning about games. There are forums for each game you mentioned. If you do a search (above), you'll find a lot of information about each game and can chat with the individual forums if you need assistence. Many's the time I got stuck on a game and had to ask for help.

Glad you like Rune Factory. I've played all 3 and the third is the best. Currently I'm playing Dragon Quest IX, which I think is one of the best games of the year.

I think I'm one of the oldest ones on the board (over 60). Started out with Atari. Played a few PC games, found a few good games on GBA and eventually moved to the DS (PHAT). Just recently I bought an XL and am loving it. Not too thrilled about the 3D as I find most 3D movies a problem.

Anyway, like I said, Welcome.

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#3 LaytonsCat
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Welcome to GS man, glad you got a DS and hope your hyped for the 3DS

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#4 RockyBatboa
Member since 2011 • 25 Posts
detroit222- Thanks for the welcome, sir. And for the advice about assistance w/games through the message board forums. They may prove to come in handy. But, like I said, the games I've played, I've beat. I wouldnt call myself a "hardcore gamer", but some people have said I am since I got back into video-gaming with the DS. As for Rune Factory, I actually havent played that game yet. Like I said, I bought a lot of games at one time, so some I havent got too yet. I just really liked what I read about the game in reviews and stuff, that even though I have 2 and 3 on my to-get list, I still havent played 1 yet. (weird, I know) As for DragonQuest 9, that's one of the games I put a minus for in my original post. I liked Dragon Quest 5 a lot more. I know the graphics and extensiveness of play aspects are superior in DQ 9, but, for me, and this is my own personal opinion, I really didnt like the storyline in DQ felt creepy, and wrong on some level. Sure, the battle animations were fun and stuff, and the individual story vignettes were sometimes humorous or sad(my personal favorite being the girl whoose doll was her "one true friend"), but the main character that the gamer plays as and the main storyline were upsetting to my core beliefs, so I didnt have an overall favorable response to that game......and really, it's upsetting to me, because the DQ games are fun games. Many of them have important messages about giving it you best, most honest shot, or family, or the importance of not becomming vain or being selfish, so I really dont understand why Square Enix game designers seem to decide it's neccessary for them to insert such.....I dont know....hatred or disbelief in God in their DQ games....they dont need these elements to make entertaining games, and really, the games are much better off without those elements... Oh, and I love your Henry David Thoureau quote, too. Recently got the chance to re-read up on him in college USHistory course, and of the early mid 1800 American authors and philosophers, he was definitely my favorite. And it's so true, it's much better living when people keep hope, passinon, love and enthusiasm in their lives. Layton's Cat-- thanks for the welcome, and yes I've had some fun with my DS, and it'd be cool if that lasts a while. The 3DS does excite me, but I have to admit, when it was first announce, I did think it was a tad too soon into the original DS's lifespan for a next gen to take it's place. However, in all honesty, it was the lineup of games that really sparked my interest, not so much the 3d quality...i mean, NEW Mario games (2d sidescrollers and 3d like Mario Sunshine), Contra, Ninja Gaiden, Kid Icarus, Metal Gear Solid, ect.
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#5 cttooch
Member since 2010 • 152 Posts

welcome to the boards and thank you for the sacrifice you took with defending our country. It is people like you that give us the freedom to enjoy these games and everything else in our lives. Happy gaming.

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#6 trugs26
Member since 2004 • 7541 Posts


I got a DS and Wii myself. And I've preordered my 3DS. That's all about me in the gaming world really :P

Also, you should play your Prof. Layton game. Awesome series. Hopefully you'll put a + next to it.

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#7 Detroit222
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Rocky - I haven't finished DQIX yet so not sure about where the story is going. But I agree about storylines. I prefer a good solid story with my game. And I need to have a game that isn't linear - that you can wander all over the game and eventually come back to the story. That's why I prefer the Rune Factorys. If I ranked them in order I'd say 3, 1 and 2. I can also recommend Lost in Blue. You can get 2 and 3 easily but 1 is rather difficult (and costly) to find.

But like the RFs, you don't need to play them in order as each story is a stand alone.

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#8 El_Zo1212o
Member since 2009 • 6057 Posts
[QUOTE="RockyBatboa"]Hello, Gamestop DS Board... Assassin's Creed 2[: Discovery] (Love that game- stealth action platforming all tied together with well-voiced cutscenes) Contra 4 (a great game, but I suggest you play with a friend; you'll need the backup), Super Mario 64 DS (Can't go wrong with SM64), Super Scribblenauts (Played the first one, it was pretty addictive- pllaying the same levels over and over in order to find different items to accomplish the task with).

How d'you do? I've added my own 2 cents to a few of your radar list. I have a few other suggestions for you as well. If you like brawling fighters like Super Smash Brothers, you might look into importing Jump Ultimate Stars- basically a smash brothers game with Japanese Comic book stars from series like Dragon Ball Z, Bleach, Rurouni Kenshin, One Piece, Naruto- the list goes on. The whole game is in Japanese, of course, but there are several guides on how to complete the story mode and etc on If you like shooters, there is Brothers in Arms DS- your basic WWII paratrooper 3rdPS or the Call of Duty games are great FPSs. As far as Adventure games go, I've never played any of the ace attorney or Prof Layton games, but I loved Hotel Dusk with a passion- a great artstyle, sharp dislogue, and an intriguing storyline made this a classic. Any of the Castlevania games on DS are worthwhile(although Dawn of Sorrow and Portrait of Ruin may be a bit hard on the eyes at times). And lastly Glory Days 2 is an action-packed, fast-paced realtime strategy action game that I've kept in my library for years. I hope you find these suggestions useful, and welcome to the community.