makes sense to me lol
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Yeah I'm getting tired of Capcom when it comes to the wii. You would think after how awesome Resident Evil 4 was for the wii they would have learned something. I guess they will never take it seriously.chansaetsales from re4 meant nothing to them, they just wanted to see if they could get away with cop outs like this heres hoping nobody buys Dead space extinction or this piece of garbage
ha JUST beat you to it!I asked for it
Can we call it "The Resident Evil game Jason asked for"?
Because that sounds awesome
Just do what I'm going to do: buy the game used.
That way, you'll still get the same experience without support capcom's laziness. Win-win.
I love Rail Shooters but I would've prefered Capcom not make an On Rails Shooter out of Resident Evil like most Publishers are putting on the Wii. I have no problems with Rail Shooters I only have a problem with On Rails Shooters.
I have no problems with Rail Shooters I only have a problem with On Rails Shooters.Nintendo_Ownes7
There's a difference?
well here we go again. IMHO if its like REuc i'll will not even bother to rent this one. but who knows, its like i said about deadspace on wii if they try hard and do cool things it could over come being an onrails shooter. but if its as bland and mediocer as UC thanks.
I disagree alot of people besides Jaysonguy asked for it (he just may just have been the only one sending emails) but when a million+ lapped up Umbrella Chronicles it sent a big message to Capcom that this is the type of game Wii owners want. Yeah RE4 sold just as well, but that was an already established title that the whole world knew was great. Here's a comparison, Metroid Prime one of Nintendo's best franchises, do you know how long it took MP3 to reach 1 million in sales? So you figure a real game, an excellent game didn't sell that well from the jump and it was from an established Nintendo franchise, but a quickly thrown together rails shooter that was more port than new flew off the shelves. What do you expect to happen? Sepewrathagreed. people need to complain by way of there wallets.... l8ike me :p
Umbrella Chronicles sold extremely well, so I doubt Capcom felt that "no one asked for it".Rocky32189what were the offical sales numbers on those two games? how many were sold. do you have a link ?
here is what i found
REuc 398,800
re4 *Wii edition* 759,000 and thats not counting the shi* load of copies sold on the GC, or the ps2 for that matter.
what were the offical sales numbers on those two games? how many were sold. do you have a link ?[QUOTE="Rocky32189"]Umbrella Chronicles sold extremely well, so I doubt Capcom felt that "no one asked for it".Wild_Card
here is what i found
REuc 398,800
re4 *Wii edition* 759,000 and thats not counting the shi* load of copies sold on the GC, or the ps2 for that matter.
Umm, VGChartz has Umbrella Chronicles at 1,260,000. That's almost one million more than what you put. If you people don't want rail shooters then stop buying them!what were the offical sales numbers on those two games? how many were sold. do you have a link ?[QUOTE="Rocky32189"]Umbrella Chronicles sold extremely well, so I doubt Capcom felt that "no one asked for it".Wild_Card
here is what i found
REuc 398,800
re4 *Wii edition* 759,000 and thats not counting the shi* load of copies sold on the GC, or the ps2 for that matter.
It sold over million copies worldwide, which is a very high number considering the game was probably made on a low budget by one of Capcom's lower development teams. I'm pretty sure the number you have there are only U.S. sales.[QUOTE="Wild_Card"]what were the offical sales numbers on those two games? how many were sold. do you have a link ?[QUOTE="Rocky32189"]Umbrella Chronicles sold extremely well, so I doubt Capcom felt that "no one asked for it".Rocky32189
here is what i found
REuc 398,800
re4 *Wii edition* 759,000 and thats not counting the shi* load of copies sold on the GC, or the ps2 for that matter.
It sold over million copies worldwide, which is a very high number considering the game was probably made on a low budget by one of Capcom's lower development teams. I'm pretty sure the number you have there are only U.S. sales.then how many must have re4 sold world wide?going by those numbers i posted re4 sold what twice as many copies in the usa or were everthose sales are from.[QUOTE="Rocky32189"][QUOTE="Wild_Card"]what were the offical sales numbers on those two games? how many were sold. do you have a link ?It sold over million copies worldwide, which is a very high number considering the game was probably made on a low budget by one of Capcom's lower development teams. I'm pretty sure the number you have there are only U.S. sales.then how many must have re4 sold world wide?here is what i found
REuc 398,800
re4 *Wii edition* 759,000 and thats not counting the shi* load of copies sold on the GC, or the ps2 for that matter.
1.7 million at half the price
So which one made Capcom more money?
That would be Umbrella Chronicles
Yeah, I would've taken a remake any day instead on this, just not an underpowered port.They should have just remade any of the older RE games and added on RE4 controls.
[QUOTE="zaku101"]Yeah, I would've taken a remake any day instead on this, just not an underpowered port.They should have just remade any of the older RE games and added on RE4 controls.
Let me get this straight
You would rather do something you did before, again, rather then play something new?
then how many must have re4 sold world wide?[QUOTE="Wild_Card"][QUOTE="Rocky32189"] It sold over million copies worldwide, which is a very high number considering the game was probably made on a low budget by one of Capcom's lower development teams. I'm pretty sure the number you have there are only U.S. sales.Jaysonguy
1.7 million at half the price
So which one made Capcom more money?
That would be Umbrella Chronicles
wich sold 1.7 million? I will assume you mean re4 wiimake sold 1.7,i still have not seen offical data but lets just run with what we got. 1,7 wiimake re4 games sold and 1 mil of uc. but how many re4 Wiimake sales would there have been had not so many people already bought the game on GC. the fact that re4 sold more than UC dispite haveing been released what olny two years before on the gamecube not to mentune the ps2 and PC. yea id say that would speak volumes.i think a more fair comparison would be RE4 sales on gamecube vs UC sales on wii. dispite wii haveing a larger user base.[QUOTE="Jaysonguy"][QUOTE="Wild_Card"]then how many must have re4 sold world wide?Wild_Card
1.7 million at half the price
So which one made Capcom more money?
That would be Umbrella Chronicles
wich sold 1.7 million? and were is the link showing it cost them half as much to make?RE 4 sold 1.7
RE UC sold 1.3
RE 4 launched at 29.99 and quickly fell to 19.99
RE UC launched at 49.99 and still sells at 49.99
So even if we keep both at launch price we get...
RE 4 makes $50,983,000
RE UC makes $64,987,000
14 million dollars more with UC even giving RE 4 the highest price possible the entire time it's been released (which it's been a 20 dollar game longer then it's been a 30 dollar game now)
you forget to point out that re4 wiimake was a port of a gamecube,ps2 and pc game that was released only what 2 years before and that sales of the game would reflect thatlol. lets figure up the mony made from even just re4 on the game cube vs UC not to even count the copies of RE4 wii that were bought by people like me who already bought the GC version. re4 was the better game and the better seller period here we go
RE4 on ps2 2.000.000
RE4 gamecube 1.600.000
re4 wii edition 1.250.000
reUC 1.050.000
Your numbers are a little low but yes, now see how much more money they made on Umbrella Chronicles compared to 4?
you forget to point out that re4 wiimake was a port of a gamecube,ps2 and pc game that was released only what 2 years before and that sales of the game would reflect thatlol. lets figure up the mony made from even just re4 on the game cube vs UC not to even count the copies of RE4 wii that were bought by people like me who already bought the GC version. re4 was the better game and the better seller periodWild_Card
No, it doesn't work like that
You compare what each console has, you don't add up what consoles have. There's no way to judge that
You think someone at Capcom has a clue who owns what console and what version they bought?
They look at the money made from RE4 on the Wii and then they look at the money made from RE UC on the Wii. They see that they get more money from the latter and they make another one
While i would preffer a traditional RE than an on rails shooter, it would really innocent to claim that nobody wanted one. Just a month ago Capcom was patting itsef in the back with Chronicles sales, according to their own reports(and outsider ones as well).Heck it would bedumb from me to say that it was not a fun game, and that i didnt enjoy the data files that completed a lot of story holes.It was a good deal and people apparently liked it, or basically, MOST people, which is what counts. So as always ,people can moan and cry but against money thats always nothing.
Just do what I'm going to do: buy the game used.
That way, you'll still get the same experience without support capcom's laziness. Win-win.
So they're being lazy by creating an entirely new game, rather than porting an old game and slapping on wii controls?
dont even count the wii version. just look at the GC version. that would be a much more fair comparison. 1.600.000 at its retail price and 1.250.000 for UC on the Wii. And keep in mind the Wii has a much larger user base than the GC did;) as i said re4 was the better game and its sales reflected this. heck it sold 2 million on the ps2 a year after its release on the game cube. and if capcom does not have the brains to look at what re4 sold origanoly vs what the REMAKE/PORT sold just a couple years later then more is the pitty for us who like better games ;)
capcom isnt making UC for other systems, so you dont use the numbers from other systems. RE4 wii sold less on wii than both of the other consoles. UC may have sold less, but like jayson said, it still makes more money. capcom probably is just releasing all of the chronicles games first because they are games specifically suited for wii. as far as dead space goes... it shouldnt be an on-rails shooter, thats just pathetic. but who knows, capcom could come out and suprise us with something big, its not like we'll never see another RE game. look at the gamecube for petes sake! the gamecube got: REmake, RE2, RE3, RE4, Code Veronica, and i wanna say another one but im not sure... OH YEA RE zero, there we go! those are all normal RE games, so just be patient.jasom
dont even count the wii version. just look at the GC version. that would be a much more fair comparison. 1.600.000 at its retail price and 1.250.000 for UC on the Wii. And keep in mind the Wii has a much larger user base than the GC did;) as i said re4 was the better game and its sales reflected this. heck it sold 2 million on the ps2 a year after its release on the game cube. and if capcom does not have the brains to look at what re4 sold origanoly vs what the REMAKE/PORT sold just a couple years later then more is the pitty for us who like better games ;)
LOL thats becuase it was a PORT from just two years prior!that is just a clouded way of compairing the two games and how well they were reseved by the consumers.
im talking about counting *just *the gamecube version. wich should be counted vs UC as like i have said re4wii was a port of the gamecube game as well as the other systems thus completly screwing up the sales numbers when it comes to judgeing how a game does sales wise.becuase so many people that would have bought it on the Wii have already had it on the game cube as well as one of the other two systems it was on. it really is not that hard to under stand. another words im saying the sales of re4 on the Wii would have been much larger if it was a new game. but it was not. so for fairness sake look at the GC sales numbers only vs the Wii's numbers on UC. RE4 sold better on the GC at full price than UC did on the wii .
They should have just remade any of the older RE games and added on RE4 controls.
Yeah, I would've taken a remake any day instead on this, just not an underpowered port.Let me get this straight
You would rather do something you did before, again, rather then play something new?
Well Umbrella Chronicles wasn't exactly newthis isnt ABOUT capcom making normal RE games. they are still doing that. this is about making real RE games for the WII. the wii sales of the RE4 are less.LOL thats becuase it was a PORT from just two years prior!that is just a clouded way of compairing the two games and how well they were reseved by the consumers.
im talking about counting *just *the gamecube version. wich should be counted vs UC as like i have said re4wii was a port of the gamecube game as well as the other systems thus completly screwing up the sales numbers when it comes to judgeing how a game does sales wise.becuase so many people that would have bought it on the Wii have already had it on the game cube as well as one of the other two systems it was on. it really is not that hard to under stand. another words im saying the sales of re4 on the Wii would have been much larger if it was a new game. but it was not. so for fairness sake look at the GC sales numbers only vs the Wii's numbers on UC. RE4 sold better on the GC at full price than UC did on the wii .
Why is everyone beating up on RE:UC??!!! The people who say Capcom didnt put any effort into it are WRONG! Its not a cheap game, its actually a great game, with sooo much content. I spent soo much time on this game. It actually gives you reason to keep playing with the cool unlockables. If you say this is a bad game, you obviously havent played it!andrewham7RE:UC isn't a bad game, the problem is the games a cop out. Its Capcom saying "here's something with RE in the title, that should be good enough" and ignoring what the fans are asking for and what could be done on the Wii. At least thats my issue, its the same one I have with EA for Dead Space. UC was just you retreading past locations from games but on rails.When people have been saying that they want RE on the Wii, thats not exactly what they had in mind. I mean what makes this new RE any different from UC or HOTD or DS Extraction? Capcom is just putting together a simple game that sells on the merit of its name.
Why is everyone beating up on RE:UC??!!! The people who say Capcom didnt put any effort into it are WRONG! Its not a cheap game, its actually a great game, with sooo much content. I spent soo much time on this game. It actually gives you reason to keep playing with the cool unlockables. If you say this is a bad game, you obviously havent played it!andrewham7i have played it and i do say it was a bad game.
Just do what I'm going to do: buy the game used.
That way, you'll still get the same experience without support capcom's laziness. Win-win.
So they're being lazy by creating an entirely new game, rather than porting an old game and slapping on wii controls?
Haha, that's not all. He wants to play the game, yet hates that Capcom's making on rails shooters. If you want to play the game so much, wouldn't you be fine with supporting the company that makes it?[QUOTE="Jaysonguy"][QUOTE="livinitup01"] Yeah, I would've taken a remake any day instead on this, just not an underpowered port. Sepewrath
Let me get this straight
You would rather do something you did before, again, rather then play something new?
Well Umbrella Chronicles wasn't exactly newIt was newer than a gamecube port.
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