Aww... but I enjoyed being the alt. account... wait, this is the first I've even heard of such... :P Anyways, by typical game standards, I'll admit that TP is still a great game. I just don't agree that it was as inspired of a Zelda game as you do. In fact, I thought it paid too much homage to a certain other Zelda game to really establish an identity of its own. I'm not going to lie; at times, I DID feel like I was playing OoT all over again, and it doesn't help that the game actually does bring back a number of familiar locales, bosses, etc. Seriously, did we REALLY need to know that areas like the Temple of Time still existed or see the land of the Zoras as a frozen wasteland? TP was all about being bigger, and for me, that just didn't do too much in the end.
As I said earlier, the game just felt like a Zelda dungeon quest more than anything else, and considering the scale of Hyrule in this game, that was a pretty significant disappointment. Were there some cool things going on in the game? Sure. However, Nintendo didn't get as much out of them as they could have. Most of the items you get later in the game are little more than things you use for the dungeon you get them in and nothing else, making them feel like filler accessories than key tools.Madmangamer364
it may sound like I'm making excuses for them(though I don't think I really need to) because TP was thier first shot at making such a huge world. The Great Sea doesn't count because you don't expect to find much in the middle of a ocean so, there was no attempt to fill all that real estate. I think they just didn't get a chance to get everything they wanted into Hyrule field. If you look at the original trailer for TP, Hyrule field looked to have a little more life to it, like when he was in that forest area that was not Ordon or the Lost Woods unless they changed them dramatically and then there was the scene with him running from the giant spider; that had to be Hyrule field or Death Mountain.
I always got the feeling that Hyrule Field was something that they didn't get a chance to fully realize, I think there was suppose to have been alot more to it than we ended up getting. However that bodes well for getting the fully realized vision in Zelda Wii. I still don't get how people say that they got the feeling of playing OoT over again, but they don't get that feeling from the two games inbetween OoT and TP. I mean TP was so above and beyond OoT, I cant say I cant draw such a clear connection to OoT because that would be like bringing the game down, and all the 3D Zelda's are similar to pacing and basic mechanics, so they all would be like playing OoT again. I also didn't mind the little throwback moments, but they were sparse, its not like every dungeon and town had a throwback to OoT. I can count the things on one hand that were direct references to pass games.
When it comes to the tools, well you cant really expect to use all of them all the time and having to constantly switch weapons to do thatwould be tedious. I don't mind there being a basic few "go to" weapons and the rest being optional outside of thier dedicated use for boss battles, environment interactionand puzzles. I mean just because I have the Ball and Chain doesn't mean I want to be forced to put back my Bow to take it out every 2 minutes. The only change I would like to see in regards of weapon usage is to ditch the "dungeon weapon" routine so that bosses could be more of a puzzle. I hope when it comes to Hyrule Field next time, the feild gains even more topographic variety than we got in TP and perhaps they could make it an avenue for other people besides Link and the mailman. I would love to see people going from town to town or just walking around Hyrule field. I mean if you get like side missions and stuff from Hyrule Field, they wouldn't even have to populate it with enemies.
This is going to have to be one of the times where we stand on opposite sides lol. I think TP was the best Zelda yet and with the ground work of TP in place, I hope they fully realize the potential there for Zelda Wii.
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