This sounds to me like they are shooting for a sort of reboot to the whole Zelda method. First it was Link to the Past that set the standard for all other 2D Zeldas and it was a great starting point for all the hand held Zelda's. Then Nintendo made OoT and that became the standard for all other 3D Zelda's and that build as we all know is amazing fun and addicting. With the full blown Wii Zelda sounds like they are gonna try and set the standard again for other Zelda's to play off of. Now see that could either be good or bad. From what they said about having a bigger world and more stuff in it sounds almost like Zelda meets GTA or Oblivion. U have the main Gannon quests but there is PLENTY of side stuff to keep u going. It sounds like it could be something cool if done right. I just hope they dont wind up hurting themselfs with this one like the did with Wind Waker (imo i like Wind Waker but it became the black sheep of console Zelda's). I just know that Nintendo is going to make our jaws drop with this one cause one thing to remember is that TP was made for the GC and the graphic look as such, This new Zelda will be built for the Wii and after seeing what Nintendo did with Mario with Mario Galaxy just makes me giddy to think of what the next Zelda will look like.
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