The Virtual Life part of the game refers to the new addition to the game known as My Dream.
In My Dream you're able to run about as either Will or Helen, whomever you chose, and raise and nurture your own dream world. According to what you've accomplishedand where you've been and what Nightopians or Nightmarens you've collected , your My Dream world will change and gradually grow.
You can also use the Wi-Fi Connection (Known to most of us as WFC), and visit other peoples' My Dreams or have them visit yours and see how you can change yours! You can also add friends and invite them to check your Dream out, or vise versa!
One of the more popular accessories to the My Dream addition is that it uses Real Time weather! This means, that if you have the Forecast/Weather Channel on your Wii set up to your location, the weather in your My Dream will change according to how it is at your own home!
It truely is one of the more exciting parts of the game!
Hope this helps!
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