Nintendo went in a direction of less complexity and more accessability.
Gamers often complain that Wii games lack depth, complexity, and storylines. Yet, when Nintendo went for storyline with Other M, people complained.
As I see it, the three main reasons to go with a next gen console are: 3D, deeper storylines, and deeper more complex games.
There is no base of 3D TVs.
People don't like Nintendo's stories.
Nintendo wanted less complexity in their games, not more.
On the other hand, It would be nice to see what Nintendo could do with a more more powerful system. It would also be nice to have a backwards compatible system that could upscale and anti-alias the graphics.
1. People complain about the story of Other:M because our perception of the protagonist apparently was very wrong, and Metroid fans were shocked. The story itself was actually good.
2. The 360 and PS3 have deeper and more complex games? How do you figure? They have more adult oriented games or as some people like to say "hardcore" titles.
3. 3D TV's are still brand new, it'll be the gen after next before we see 3D TV's as common place. Heck, HDTV's are just becoming commonplace.
4. Who doesn't like Nintendo stories? Last time I checked a game like Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess was praised for it's story and charm. Could easily name another half dozen games.
5. Nintendo wants accessibility and streamlined control. If you ask me all companies are doing that. Gaming is becoming commonplace in society and it has to be accessible. Nintendo is good about making games accessible, but difficult to master (ala Smash Bros, Mario Galaxy, Metroid, etc.)
6. With the DS, Wii and now 3DS being so revolutionary but not ridiculous (Virtual Boy, although I LOVE Virtual Boy) I'm extremely curious to see what they have up their sleeves.
1. I agree. I like Other M. Still, many people don't like the story based nature of it. Mario, Kirby, and Donkey Kong don't really need much of a story. Metroid's lack of a clear story led to people's misperseptions, and Zelda retells the same story at different times with different twists, but it is a recurring story.
2. I love my Wii. It is my system of choice, but let's be realistic. What games on the Wii have the depth and complexity of Red Dead Redemption or Uncharted 2, or Assassins Creed 2, or Alan Wake, or Batman Arkham Asylum, or . . . Whatever you want to categorize them as, they are compelling complex games which 3rd party designers don't even try to produce on the Wii. As much as I like my Mario, Zelda, and Metroid, I can see that many designers choose the other platforms for their visions. That is how I figure.
3. That is what I said.
4. Yes, please name another half dozen Nintendo games that have a deep story. I can't think of them.
5. Yes, and no. Nintendo wanted people to move the controller like the action you would make in the game. Golf, bowling, tennis, and other games work great this way. However, Monster Hunter Tri and TvC are examples of games where that idea just doesn't apply. While I am a big fan of motion controls, I realize there are games that are best played with controls that casual gamers would not feel comfortable with.
6. Me too.
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