I have enough games between 3DS and Wii U. I do have a PC and Steam, but I honestly don't play much on it. There's plenty enough for me personally on the Nintendo systems.
For me its the other way around. I Have all the consoles, but barely touch them.
@SoAmazingBaby: So you're more of a PC guy? It's pretty understandable since between the PS, Xbox and "PC" brand, they practically have the same games except for some exclusives.
Who's going to force you to buy anything? Or are you referring to peer pressure from your friends? I grew up with a Super Nintendo and loved it. Then I got a PlayStation because they were all sold out of N64s that year, which I never regretted. After that I was usually able to afford every system I wanted eventually, so imagine other gamers would do the same...
@csward: Not friends or anything, I'm talking about those people who think it's stupid to only own consoles by the brand that interest you with their exclusives and that you should buy every consoles to not "limit" yourself.
The Nintendo-only gamers that exist would most likely be casual players who bought or were given a wii/wii U, that system is most likely now collecting dust, is played by their nephew, or is pulled out at rare social gatherings when it's remembered.
I can't see true hardcore Nintendo Fanboys surviving anymore, Nintendo surely killed them all off with how they have handled the Wii U. I was one from 1988 to 1998, only lasted 10 years before I sold out to Squaresoft/Sony and bought Final Fantasy VII and a Playstation. I love the nes and snes virtual console though, I await new SNES games on 3ds more than I await new ps4 games.
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