dual screen?
im not so sure about that, but the irritating thing with dual screen is that it has some neat aspects, such as making the ds look like an interactive book when "playing" brain age... and it probably works with a "game" like nintendogs, and the viewtiful joe game looked like it used the upper screen in a good way too, as did the metroid shooter...
that's of course pretty neat, but the upper screen, or the second screen, actually more like detracts from most other games out there...
so with that in mind, id say that the psp route is a lot better: to have one large, widescreen, high resolution screen
but i wouldn't be against a dual screen concept completely, and actually the whole idea behind educational titles works well with a dual screen handheld... but then u need the educational titles, and also more games like nindendogs and viewtiful joe...
EDIT: well, one thing that is for certain--whether it will be dual screen or not--is that the screen(s) need to be a lot bigger, and pack a lot more pixels.
nintendos iphone without the... phone?
nintendo stresses that it's not about the horsepower but about the gameplay and how u can make it more interesting using inovative hardware (touch screen, wii remote)
so the natural step for nintendos next handheld is of course to introduce some new interesting hardware, and what comes to mind is of course accelerometers and gadgets like that, the wii way, that make the device aware of where and how it's being held by the user. it's definitely not something that every game could take advantage of, and it would maybe more suite gimmicky game concepts, such as games where u "tilt" the gameworld, as in a maze ball game or something like that, or a game where u hold the device in front of u and "look around" with it in real life, to experience the view in the gameworld to change in an analogue, mimicked way, and of course u can also have games where the touch screen input works in tandem with the accelerometers and what not the device carries.
as for the touch screen mechanics it needs to be updated to "multi touch screen inputs", which of course makes this handheld earily simlar to the iphone, like the videogame littlebrother to iphone, with no phone, no camera, no itunes, no operating system... but then again, not as expensive either
so yeah, probably no operating system but something that would suffice for at least a gaming device would be a robust way to link up to some kind of oline portal, where you could even go as far as to send images you'd done with "mario paint ds2" to other users, or even to the internet, so that they could be looked at by people using pc's or mac's. because that's the thing, creative production software (for music, for painting, for whatnot) relies on community aspects...
interface: buttons, touch pen...
other changes that would be for the better would be, and this is ideas ive had for a long time now, a touch pen that is conseived in such a way that the touch screen notices if u twist it, in what direction, at what ratio, at what speed... that would be pretty neat, but i don't know if it's duable. another idea i had was for some kind of "touch button", a vertical line, which first and formost would be for sidescrollers like castlevania and metroid, in that if u pressed this button at the upper corner samus would for example fire away her gun at that angle...
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