mus...not..get...hyped :x
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i'd say 40% chance its Pikmin 3, 30% its SMG 2, 90% its Spirit Tracks,
60% its Wii Fit Plus, or a new Wii _____ game
honestly, anything other than Wii ____, Zelda, Mario don't need shelf space
so its probably Spirit Tracks
poor Wii fans, some of us will hold out hope and when they dont show a new Wii zelda at e3 we'll cry foul when we knew it from the start it wont be there
You know what I want at E3...
Zelda Wii
Kid Icarus and Pilotwings
Pikmin 3
Starfox Wii
I dun care what you guys think...*flaps arms* Nyyaahhn
EDIT: and Metroid nyyaaaahn
I'm trying not to care. I didn't get hyped up last year, and thus I wasn't dissapointed with their show. In fact, I actually love Wii Music! So my goal is to just not care. My hype-meter is all filled up on Punch-Out!! anyway.
I don't see why people are expecting a new Mario platformer if those are released each 6 years or so.
You know what I want at E3...
Zelda Wii
Kid Icarus and Pilotwings
Pikmin 3
Starfox Wii
I dun care what you guys think...*flaps arms* Nyyaahhn
EDIT: and Metroid nyyaaaahn
The words of a true Nintendo fan...unfortunately I expect only 2 of those games this year.Oh dear, lord, two and a half months away from E3 and rumors are already flooding the net.
Well, im gonna make an educated guess. Nintendo said the previous years that they were trying something new for Zelda since its going to be "different" from previous Zelda games since TP was the last of its kind. Now, even though the new Zelda has been in development for more than three years(before TP came out) those three years have not been taken full advantage of since the Zelda team helped develop Wii Fit. Also please consider that Miyamoto is trying hard to make something new and they did mention not knowing if this year they would be able to show the new Zelda(they said it last E3). Also, since the new Zelda is most likely going to use WiiMotion+, then there are two things that could happen: a) Nintendo decides to release Zelda this year to promote winter sales of the new tech or b) actually take their time to get it right.
My best guesses are that Zelda will be shown this E3, but it is not the game that is coming this winter. Yet, Nintendo did say a couple of weeks ago that this E3 will be all about the games so i guess we will see multiple "good games" even though the largest part of them will be 3rd party since last year they promised a couple of hardcore games when refering to 3rd party games. Pikmin 3 is likely to happen. Kid Icarus is not, (im sorry but i seriously dont think kid icarus will happen). Star Fox is definentely not coming since i read a statement last week where the creator of Star Fox said he was not interested in the Wii since he thinks its a "toy".
To sum it up: We will most likely see Zelda, but dont count on it. Also, if we do see it, it wont come out this year. And please take in consideration that we will see a couple of third party games at this E3 conference. And no, Star Fox and Kid Icarus are not happening.
Star Fox is definentely not coming since i read a statement last week where the creator of Star Fox said he was not interested in the Wii since he thinks its a "toy"Darkman159Unless I'm mistaken, that is NOT the guy who made starfox 64, and even if he was, Nintendo doesnt need then to make Starfox games. Its their IP :p
[QUOTE="Darkman159"]Star Fox is definentely not coming since i read a statement last week where the creator of Star Fox said he was not interested in the Wii since he thinks its a "toy"TaMuK711Unless I'm mistaken, that is NOT the guy who made starfox 64, and even if he was, Nintendo doesnt need then to make Starfox games. Its their IP :p Yeah, it doesn't mean that there's not going to be one. Although considering how recently he said that, I doubt that it will be at E3, if they even do make it.
Omg you also are waiting that game its like a true spectacular coincidence!!!!!!You forgot the most important thing, NO MORE HEROES DESPERATE STRUGGLE.
As much as I'm looking forward to Pikmin 3, if that's what they're hyping a AAA system seller then Nintendo is going to get the same backlash from the web trolls they got in 2008. In order to placate the whining imbeciles it has got to be a new Zelda or an epic revival of Kid Icarus (Which I don't care about at all). I don't think it's going to be a Zelda, I don't think it's even going to be a single game. I have a feeling that it's going to be 2 or 3 traditional Nintendo franchises that we haven't yet seen on Wii, Pikmin is a safe bet but only along with big second tier franchises like Stafox, Kirby, F-Zero, etc...
Zelda is still definitely a possibility but looking at all the untapped Nintendo franchises this gen seem to suggest otherwise, at least that's my opinion.
Does anybody else feel that Kid Icarus wasn't REALLY that great to begin with? Why is everybody so excited, just because it's not a standard Nintendo IP?
Also, I hope it's not a new Zelda. I still haven't played the first Wii OR DS one. :(
Agree with you on Icarus. People want it because it'll be new to most of them. Also, the people who do love it, love it a lot. Though, I'd much rather see a new Earthbound for consoles. Unlike Kid Icarus, Earthbound/Mother 2 truly stands the test of time and Nintendo would do well by making a new Eathbound game (and actually bringing it to North America and Europe this time). Hell, a remake of the SNES classic would make the Internets go crazy.
Alas, tis only a foolish dream...
actually, a grown-up, more mature pokemon game would be great - in 3D, on the Wii. hmm.... but that won't happen will it?
oh, i will just be pleased with whatever is on offer. i don't want to expect anything. i'm filled with uncertainty when i think about this year's E3. it could be anything. remember rock n' roll?? lol.
WiiHikeis the next big installment. Balance board control only, and all you do is hike up trails/mountains. It comes packaged with the Wii Walking Stick.Why go outside when you can do it in your living room???
It also will have 12 person online. You gotta have friends to hike with incase you fall down, or get bit by a raddle-snake in the butt. They can suck the poison out of that cheek!!!
[QUOTE="Darkman159"]Star Fox is definentely not coming since i read a statement last week where the creator of Star Fox said he was not interested in the Wii since he thinks its a "toy"TaMuK711Unless I'm mistaken, that is NOT the guy who made starfox 64, and even if he was, Nintendo doesnt need then to make Starfox games. Its their IP :p
You're right. In fact, he never was the "creator" of Starfox. Starfox was created by Miyamoto. Cuthbert, who called Wii a toy, was the creator of the engine used for FX chip games on the SNES and the lead programmer (not designer) of the original Starfox. Aside from the original, his new team at Q-Games developed Starfox Command on DS but he's had no other involvement in the series. Nintendo could make a new Starfox whether Cuthbert approves or not.
I would bet most of my money on Pikmin 3. They may also have a new Wii Zelda trailer but nothing more than that.
I would be happy with just those two, but I would really like to hear more about NMH2 and I would absolutely love to hear anything about an F-Zero Wii game
They'll announce a bunch of games that utilize WiiMotionPlus, and we'll most likely get a hardcore Nintendo title from that.
I'd love to see a Luigi-related game, particularly a new one. But I'd be happy with New Play Controls: Luigi's Mansion too.
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