I hope they add a lot more things to do after you beat the game. Some of the things in Black/White are OK, but most just seem like a "look what we have the technology to do!" sort of thing to me. Keep the C-Gear wireless crap, remove the Entralink and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD don't add another Black City/White Forest. If they do (and they probably will) I hope it at least doesn't degenerate over time.
Since finding negatives is so easy, I'll just make a list of improvements I'd like to see:
- less emphasis on wireless communication. Keep the C-Gear stuff, but remove the Entralink and Dream thing.
- remove musicals and replace them with something somewhat entertaining.
- give us more hidden areas to explore.
- give us more water/areas to surf.
- go back to the Gen 3 style of HM Dive.
- allow us to plant berries, make Pokeblocks, the pancake things in Gen 4, etc. etc. etc.
- make legendary Pokemon harder to catch.
Fix the above and I'll be as happy as a clam(pearl). I really liked the story Black/White had though, and hopefully they keep the same quality it had. The graphics were awesome too, another +1. Either way I'll be buying Black 2 and another DS system just in case.
Really wish there was a way to beta test this IMO.
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