Any game ever made that would be great on the wiis motion controls
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I don't know how it would be controlled, but I wish Capcom would make another 3D Mega Man, for Wii. Mega Man 64 (Legends) is one of my favorite games of the N64 era, but the Legends has pretty much died out. Now all we get are some Metroid-style and RPG Mega Man games on the DS. I doubt it will happen, but I wish some of the older Mega Man series would make a comeback, especially the original and Legends.
I don't know how it would be controlled, but I wish Capcom would make another 3D Mega Man, for Wii. Mega Man 64 (Legends) is one of my favorite games of the N64 era, but the Legends has pretty much died out. Now all we get are some Metroid-style and RPG Mega Man games on the DS. I doubt it will happen, but I wish some of the older Mega Man series would make a comeback, especially the original and Legends.
That would be awesome; although I still like the newer handheld megamans as well.
Good game to remade? How about Sin and Punishment a good N64 import, more like a sequel I guess.Kwing1983
I've heard about this one. That would be so fantastic!!! I would love to see a remake (or a new game entirely) of some old LucasArts adventure games! The wiimotes pointing functions are perfect for a Monkey Island or Grim Fandango remake! This isn't really a remake suggestion, but I would love to see a game like Hitman 2 on the Wii. Motion controlled Fibre-Wire strangling FTW!
[QUOTE="JMart0492"]Doom 64. Pretty much any Doom game would be sweet on the wii.liljio14
you know that game got a teirrble scoreÂ
You know I played that over and over years ago and I loved it.
Also, in Gertmann's review, he said the game was like every other older Doom game from the PC with updated graphics to get rid of pixelation. Umm, what's the problem with that? The PC games were great.
Although I don't see how Wii controls would directly benefit it, I've always wanted to see a new Startropics. Those games were Japan's gift to America; a quality game specifically made for, and only released here. (Alright, it was ported to Europe as well, but it's still a fine gesture.) On a sidenote, it'd be really neat if they let the protagonist, Mike, be a playable character in Brawl.
Ice Climber, Mach Rider, Balloon Fight, and of course Kid Icarus would make awesome remakes as well.
I love to see a new star wars game, wii remote as a lightsaber lol, awesome...maybe a game like pokemon snap, but ur not stuck on a track u can go where u please...or pokemon in general, a full game not a stupid battle game
Sports games where they actually use the controls (ie hockey would be cool controlling the stick or something, basketball actually shooting ect)
I'd like to see a new MARIO PAINT game with lots of frames of animation, and a music based game where you can use the remote and nunchuk to make drum beats, or other instruments, and looping technology so you can make your own music for the animations you make on mario paint.
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