I received my newest issue of ONM UK today and in it there is their Punch-Out!! review.
They begin by detailing the game. They talk about how the Minor, Major and World circuits only take about 1h 30m/2h to finish. They say at this point they were going to give it 70%. Then the "World B" circuit is unlocked, and the whole game becomes much harder and more exciting. All fighters get new move sets and will do things like fakes etc. They say on this mode, the first time they fought Glass Joe, they lost. They say this should take you about 5/6 hours.
They go on to talk about exhibition mode. Here you can fight any fighter you have already beaten but with extra challenges like "defeat Von Kaiser in 5 punches". This mode is supposedly "insanely hard".
They go on to talk about multiplayer, but basically say it's a waste of time.
Quotes of interest:
""There's a two-player mode but if we're being honest it's the weakest aspect of the game. It's fun when you... transform into Giga Mac... but overall it's nowhere near as entertaining as the single-player modes."
"And the final surprise will please everyone, but we're sworn to secrecy on that..."
+ Looks absolutely incredible
+ Boxers ooze character
+ C1as.sic Punch-Out!! gameplay
+ Easy for noobs, hard for pros
- Multiplayer mode is weak
Final Score:91%
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