Mine would be: kingdom Hearts- Riku, preferably both riku and sora as semi-clone characters
pokemon Diamond and Pearl- Haven't played yet, not out in Europe :( still my fave is Cubone
Naruto- Naruto or Sasuke
Custom Robo- Never played it, I know it was mentioned in "SSMB melee" in the trophies section though.
Diddy Kong Racing Haven´t played many of these. While I think Donkey Kong is enough to represent that series, I suppose diddy would be an obvious choice so I´ll go with that.
Star Fox Command- Havent played any of the Star Foxgames, though if you wanna add more chars I guess that krystal would be ok.
Some thoughts: Kingdom Hearts have some cool looking characters and since they use Key-like weaponry it´s unique enough to make an interesting char, only problem is SSMB is a Nintendo game. While this allows for many loved franchises to face of against each other it limits use of characters who "belongs" to other systems. (not that this is a Nintendo specific thing, but rather a platform specific thing.) Squareenix has based their franchises mostly on Playstation the last couple of years, so the prospects look grim. Though this won´t nessecarily mean we can´t hope for some early FF characters to appear in future games or something ;)
Pokemon: it already has 4 pokemon in it plus all the pokeballs in the game, so anymore wont really be nessecary. Also Pikachu is all you really need since he´s the mascot, and thereby the leader of the bunch. (though Mewtwo is a cool inclusion)
The suggestion of Naruto, or any other manga character, is understandable since they often have many unique characteristics and attacks that would be cool for a Smash Bros. game. Still they aren´t game characters (even if they have their own games:P)and it would be better to feature them alongside other manga characters than to mix em up with game characters. So unless someone buys a hole lot of licenses and makes some kind of "Ultimate Showdown" game we won´t be seeing GameVSManga anytime soon. (note: if you still wanna duke it out with naruto, ichigo,luffy goku and co. I suggest importing JumpUltimateStars)
A side point is that most people who says that things like "Naruto" or "Kingdom Hearts" sucks, don´t say it cause they watched it/played it and didn´t like it. What they dislike is the fan followers of the show or games in question. Fans of anime/manga series like DBZ and Naruto or games like Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts often have a very "Idolistic" view of the characters(Read: "I dont like the series cuz of all the stupid fanboys/fangirls"). This is especially true with Squareenix FF and KH games. Another reason is the "Indie" aspect, since Naruto,DBZ has become the definition of mainstream anime/manga and FF the definiton of mainstream RPG´s.
The way I see it, there´s nothing wrong with liking or disliking these series for these reasons. The only thing that bugs me about it, is that they (both sides, fans and non-fans) like to wage war over these matters.
Back to topic, here are some other game characters that should be in SSMB:
Sonic: say what you will about the sonic series latest entries, but sonic is still an iconic game characterwould be a great addition to the SMMB series. After a bitterrivalry with Nintendo for many years, for him to star in a Nintendo game seems like an unlikely event. Still "mario and sonic" at the olympics are being made, so perphaps some day in the future sonic will join in to challenge his former rival.
Megaman: while not a Nintendo character per see, those 15+ somethinggames that have come out for the various Nintendo systems have to count for something. The only question is, should it be the original megaman? megamanX and Zero? or some of the newer incarnations.
Finally for those who think Snake has nothing to do in SSMBB, you are probably right. After all he only had two nes games, one Gameboy game and the remake of the first MGS for the gamecube. The reason he got into the SmashBros. series is not because he´s a big Nintendo star, But because MGS is a weird little series that´s very liberal when it comes to cross platform cameos. (Also, Snake is a superstar in the gaming world, that helps)
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