I encourage everyone to post their own list! I'd like to see if there are any universal Must Haves or Titles to Stay Away From! If anything, it'll also show the world what type of gamer you really are!
Here's my list as registered by Nintendo of America as of 09/07/07:
Wonder Boy in Monster World
Contra III: The Alien Wars
Super Metroid
Paper Mario
Landstalker: The Treasures of King Nole
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream
Zelda II - The Adventure of Link
Shining in the Darkness
Super Castlevania IV
Breath of Fire II
Gunstar Heroes
Dragon's Curse
Beyond Oasis
Devil's Crush
Ninja Gaiden
Gradius III
Kid Icarus
Super C
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