to hegna1, if u want to know about my Gyarados then here is my set moves: Aquatail, avalaunche, earthquake, dragon dance. Grass knot is not good because u never know how much damage it will really do, also most water types are quite light. Sunny day helps Solarbeam and flamethrower and weakens water types,3 things at once. If u r picky about a Whiscash, then get a Swampert: Earthquake, Avalaunche, aqua tail, rock slide. Scyther has the same attack that scizor has, has more speed than scizor has defense, everything else is the same. Gliscor:So considering Aace has a 60 power, 60 x 1.5 = 90! so Aace is really a 90 power move if given to gliscor! Rest recuperates full HP, and u can use sleep talk to use Earthquake or Aace, if u want him to wake up straight away, then give him a Chesto berry.
Forgot to mention that Infernape cannot learn Nasty plot, he can learn calm mind. please do not confuse him.
I know you want to talk to Hegna1 but i just can't stand watching you give me useless advice and even though i am only just starting competetive battling i feel i know more than you,
i won't talk about the moveset but will talk about the other stuff.
In the OU tier many pokemon that are water are bulky and take a look at this link!!! your cursor over the move grass knot and read what it comes up with the damage, just incase you cannot read it it says this about the base damage;
20 base damage if targets weight is 22lbs. or less
40 base damage if targets weight is 22.1lbs - 55lbs
60 base damage if targets weight is 55.1lbs - 110lbs
80 base damage if targets weight is 110.1lbs - 220lbs
100 base damage if targets weight is 220.1lbs - 440lbs
120 base damage if targets weight is 440.1lbs or more
i will repeat the other point we have been trying to get across, in the OU tier many pokemon are bulky save vaporeon, 63.9lbs (only one i can think of at the moment). so with this in mind the base damage will be 60. then times 2 due to its weakness of grass which makes it 120 plus add nasty plot which if i am correct increases the special attack damage by two stages which is essentially making the base damage times 2 and that leads to a whopping base damage of 240. please note that because nasty plot raises special attack it increases moves like flamethrower by times 2 compared to sunny day which is only times 1.5. I hope that stops you ranting about solar beam.
secondly you say scyther is as good if not better than scizor!!! OMG open these two links on two seperate tabs and compare base stats!!! Your beloved scyther, the much better scizor,
now comparing stats shows that yes they have the same HP, but look at the attack stat, you say they are the same but they are not, scyther has 110 base attack while scizor has 130 base attack, scyther has 80 defence while scizor has 100, they both have 55 sp.att as well as both having 80 sp. def, yes the speed on scyther is 105 compared to scizors 65. now look at what is more important, 105 speed and 80 defence which allows me to hit quickly but after that scyther is pretty much a goner, now if you have a look at this, can actually be bothered to learn and read that the defence allows it to set up its swords dance then it just goes on a bullet punching rampage and that is a priority attack meaning that unless the opponent is using a priority attack you will always hit first and when you take into consideration the swords dance, stab, technition and the STABwhich only scizor has this is a force to be reckoned with, so please scizor ownes scyther.
Now onto gliscor yes AAce does have stab that takes it up to 90 but stone edge does 100, yes AAce wont miss but gligar is a wall so he should be able to take hits, also rock slide has slightly better accuracy but has weaker attack, yes weaker than AAce i know but base damage isn't all that counts, if it was i might as well use fire blast on a gyarados. The point i'm trying to make is that rock type moves have way better coverage and once they hit super effective they will surpass AAce in base damage, i also realise that rock type moves are mainly used against flying types but there are a lot of pokemon with a plying sub-type out there. Yes i admit that rest recovers full HP but roost has another great advantage, the ability to remove gliscors ice weakness for a turn, so essentially rosst will mainly be used as a healing move but if properly predicted it can help remove the ice threat when most needed. Also note that sleep talk is a waste of a move if you can use roost instead of recover, also by self inducing yourself to sleep and there is no sleeping clause it would not be suprising if someone used something like nightmare etc. etc. yes i know about the chesto berry but it only has one use which means you can only heal for one turn without the risk of someone doing serious damage while you are alseep.
Lastly with Infernape i will agree with you slightly but it shows how little research you do before posting a statement like that. Yes infernape can use calm mind but if you use this link (i think this is the third time i've posted it, will see at the bottom in the previous evo moves section you will find... OMG Nasty Plot!!!
Anyway besides all this will anyone answer my question!!!???
EDIT: i didn't see you saying gliscor was a counter... are you sure you did? also with infernape i see your point but i am hoping to lure out a gyarados with scizor and yes i know that it has a perfect oppourtunity to DD but hopefully it doesn't, i know its not the best counter but gyarados should have 1/4 of its HP gone with stealth rock and some damage from U-Turn, I could Bullet punch it until it kills scizor and it will hopefully be on a low hp then switch in weavile to use ice shard. but if it doesn't use DD for some reason i may be able to survive, hopefully, if you could come up with a better counter, preferably with the pokemon on my team, save gengar please inform me. (i might be able to OHKO gyarados because of stealth rock damage and the small amount of U-Turn Damage, i guess i mighttry this team out and if gyarados destroys my team i'll just return to the blackboard)
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