Am I the only one that didn't enjoy the new pokemon game(s)? When I first heard that Diamond and Pearl were coming out, I thought 'Hey, it's been a while since I've played one of those...I might give it a chance.' I did play Pokemon Red when that first came out, and alot of other pokemon games, but that was when I was younger(I'm 18 now). Anyways, I told my girlfriend about them coming out. She hasn't had a DS for long, so she had just now started buying games. Anyways, she ended up buying Pokemon Diamond. After she was finished with the game, she let me borrow it. Now at first, it made me feel all warm inside. It ended up feeling like the good days when I first played Pokemon Red, but after playing it for a while, I had to force myself to play the game. There just wasn't enough change to the game. I know it had updated graphics, a new interface dealing with the touch screen, the whole poppy thing, pokemon mood swings, online play, etc. but the battle system was...the same. The story itslef was different, but it always made me think 'Hmm, I wonder why this or that happened??' in a sarcastic manner. It was too obvious. I see alot of comments from people on the boards that list pokemon to people that just now got a DS for Christmas, and I wonder to myself 'Why?'. By no means am I trying to start anything. I just want to know your opinion on the game and why you like game. Thanks.
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