I'm really intrigued with some of these titles like "My Spanish Coach" and "My Word Coach"... does anyone knowmore about them besides the useless sales blurbs on various websites? Like are they going to make one for German or Japanese, by any chance? Spanish & French aren't really to my taste, although Spanish would at least be useful where I am.
Has anyone seen this line of learning coaches in action? I understand that they're getting to the US a little later than other areas of the world (Japanese DS owners have an English tutor version that's gotten some high praise, for instance, but I don't know if it's UbiSoft making it like these others I listed here).
As am amateur writer of sorts, I will be getting the "Word Coach" very soon... pro'ly after I finish buying gifts for the miriad nieces and nephews... but this title should deflate the interest in my DS from the lil' nippers in my life come that holiday gathering, y'know? "COOOoooooolll... you've got a DS! What ga- ... oh, it's a learning game? FORGET IT." :lol: Can't wait. ANyway, I'm sure I'll get back on here and write a full review. If anyone comes across this thread and DOES have info, please join in.Â
I really want the french one as I'm doing GCSE french examsthis year. It will be good just to check how good I am! Apparently they shipped today in USA, so should they be in stores by Thursday?
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