I think two things should be noted here:
1. "The Wii has stalled" is not equivalent to "The Wii is screwed". Even with the PS3's price cut, it still only barely outsold the Wii in September, and the Wii outsold it in August.
2. Iwata expresses, later in the article, optimism regarding their ability to turn things around in the future.
People who want to say "lol gg nintendo" are basically working against every single shred of historical precedent that exists. No console that got as far in the lead as the Wii is in the third year of a generation ended up losing in the end.
^This and Nintendo's meaning by the phrase "The Wii has stalled" mostly, if not totally, applies to the expectations that have been set for the system due to the success it has achieved thus far; by comparison, any other system, PS2 included, would be considered in good shape with the hardware numbers this year, seeing as how the Wii is still selling at a PS2-like pace, despite being the fastest selling console ever. Right now, however, this doesn't measure up to what Nintendo wanted to see, hence why we see remarks like this, despite the fact that the Wii is still holding its own against the HD counterparts, despite those systems having to cut their prices in half since the start of the gen. Nintendo aimed pretty high this coming year (Iwata even predicted record software sales for the system, in fact), but the content simply wasn't enough to meet Nintendo's newfound expectations for the system. Period.
That said, I expect Nintendo's holiday lineup to be the beginning of the end of Nintendo's worries, and by this time next year, the Wii should be back in a great enough shape for Nintendo to be happy, thanks in large part to some actual system-selling software that isn't over a year old (ala Wii Fit being the best system selling game for the Wii the first half of the year). Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid: Other M are already bigger games than anything we saw this year, and with MotionPlus hopefully starting to hit its stride and a more diverse lineup of games in various genres, there should be far more appealing and quality titles for everyone in the next year.
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