This is a quote from IGN's article (good read, I recommend it all) found here:
"Let me assure you that our third party partners will also meet the needs of both audiences. As you know, third party development is moving enthusiastically to the Wii because of the innovation and because of the potential return on investment. And despite what you might have heard, to date in the US third parties have sold more Wii games than Nintendo has, and this includes all the success we've had with Zelda and Wii play."
When Reggie says "both audiences," he means core and casual gamers. So, supposedly third party support will increase, although he's been saying that for a long time. And, saying that third party titles have sold more than Nintendo games isn't saying much - Nintendo hasn't made many first party games yet, so there's not much to compete against.
What do you guys think will happen? Will third party support be the Wii's best friend, or the Gamecube all over again? I hope the third party support will in fact get better, but only time will tell.
(I'm not flaming on Nintendo or anything, I know it's very early in the console's life... I just want to know your reactions on this quote and article.)
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