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The kiddy image has to do with Nintendo franchises themselves and Miyamoto's work in particular not a lack of third party M-rated games. I don't care if people call them "kiddy" because they're colorful and can be enjoyed equally by all, I love Miyamoto's games.
Manhunt II will not be enough to curb the thoughtless use of the word "kiddy" when defining Nintendo and I couldn't care less.
Just PLEASE buy the game, this is liek a test for Nintendo from rockstar. If it sells, we could be seeing more from them.Tok3d
Non sense,
They should just make a game where you torture people with the remote and nunchuck using different tools, and make it all bloody and realistic... than it won't have the kiddie image... or perhaps thats too far? Who care what image it has??!!Phazevariance
That would just play into the hands of the press who would love to give the Wii or any other console some bad press under 'The dangers of gaming'. Just remember all that stuff when Manhunt came out for the PS2 a few years ago.
I can think of several other mature games that could come over to the Wii - Silent Hill, Project Zero.... and wii owners get Manhunt 2. :? Yes I know that Wii owners already have games like Red Steel and have Metriod Prime 3, Sadness and Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles to look forward to as well.
I'm sure that other mature games will come out from Rockstar but hopefully from other developers as well. Â
Just PLEASE buy the game, this is liek a test for Nintendo from rockstar. If it sells, we could be seeing more from them.Tok3di'm not going to support Nintendo or any of their partners in any way, shape or form unless they make great games. if Manhunt II sucks, i hope people don't buy the game.
Just PLEASE buy the game, this is liek a test for Nintendo from rockstar. If it sells, we could be seeing more from them.Tok3d
Exactly. If we get these sudo violence games that are mediocre and okay then the games that are really good. Now please understand. I mean the games that use violence for the story like Hitman. Manhunt is a game that uses violence inappropriately, but if it is very successful better games will come. Also I dont like games because they are violent but I like almost every style of game. And if this game is not successful, Wii could be very lacking in one section of gaming and I would hate for that to happens. So do buy this game. I know it will be okay, not terrible not great.
If a game is good then people will buy it but I'm not going to buy a game just in the vain hope that other better games will come out from this. One game should not break or make a console's future.
Actually maybe I'm wrong on that idea. Tetris for the Gameboy and Halo for the Xbox did make those machines sell really well. When Resident Evil came out for the Gamecube we didn't see a flood of mature games coming out from that. I think we just have to wait and see what happens when Manhunt 2 comes out.
If a game is good then people will buy it but I'm not going to buy a game just in the vain hope that other better games will come out from this. One game should not break or make a console's future.sumo1973
Im gonna buy it to support the notion of Nintendo making games for EVERYONE. This means making games for younger, older or more sophisctcated audiences. This does not mean exlcuding the more blood thirsty games and the more mature games (there is a difference between the two). Also the game will be pretty good AA material.
[QUOTE="Regginator14520"][QUOTE="Kakua_Omari"]I can't wait for no more heroes and sadness, the wii is getting rid of the kiddy image.bottomdollar
Nintendo got the "Kiddy" reputation last generation from a lot ignorant gaming fans who craved the "GTA" way of gaming. Is mario kiddy? no. Nintendo is not Kiddy, nor was it ever, the bottom line is people like to talk trash and act ignorant. The Gamecube was deprived by developers, so "kiddy" was just a way to rub it in Cube fans faces. Therefore, Please ... Please dont refer to Nintendo as "Kiddy" again....  Â
I agree... I mean we forget that GoldenEye 64 and Perfect Dark came debuted on the NINTENDO64. Lets not forget about Turok, WWC/NWO Revenge, and other games have come to the Big N! Resident Evil has been with the Big N for years. Wasn't Killer Instinct on the SNES?! I think this person is exactly right about where this "image" came from.... I don't see any kiddy kids completing Zelda without a game guide, let alone some of you adults. MOST of the people reading and writing in this forum either own or plan to own a Wii, so SHUT UP and play, kiddie or not, the BIG N is making money off of you and I. Bottom Line!
Lets hope the Wii hardware can handle the port. Hopefully we can show that the Wii is just as powerful as teh PS2, and shut up the haterzpippin73
[QUOTE="pippin73"]Lets hope the Wii hardware can handle the port. Hopefully we can show that the Wii is just as powerful as teh PS2, and shut up the haterzDarkMagik9
Just because alot of the games are ported from the PS2 does not mean the hardware is not capable of soing alot more. Because of these lazy devs people have the misconception that Wii is struggle to compete with PS2 graphics. When in reality it is far beyond the Xbox in almost every way. We just need the right devs.
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