i emailed harmonix about this and they said
Hey Rocker,
Thanks for writing in with your feedback regarding the recently announced release of Rock Band for the Wii. Design for Rock Band did indeed need to be scaled down in order to accommodate various hardware considerations. During development with Pi we had to make choices to ensure the best game possible for the Wii, and we chose to prioritize core game play rather than focus on some of the more secondary features such as the character creator and online play.
To give you a bit of an idea as to how complex the Rock Band animation systems run on the Xbox360 and PS3 versions of the game are, the videos that run need to reflect up to four active band members that are optimized for the worst-case in game scenario (which, in case you are curious, is Run to the Hills, 4-player, expert). This includes makeup, clothes, guitars, tattoos, various sizes, colors, unique attitude animations and all of the assorted effects.
Some animations and directed cuts are hand-cued, and others are run through a quasi-randomized system. Needless to say, this takes a tremendous amount of processing power. Tweaking and honing our code and graphics engine took place throughout the entire project, literally until the very end.
The decision to cut a lot of the hard work our artists and coders put into the game never comes easily, but we have to be realistic when approaching the game on other platforms. Bringing the full band experience to the Wii was our primary focus, and I think Pi has done an amazing job delivering on that. Once you get a chance to play Rock Band on the Wii I think you'll have a blast!
I hope that addresses your concerns regarding Rock Band on the Wii. Rock on!
Aaron Trites
Community Development
Harmonix Music Systems, Inc.
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