Metroid Prime 3 says hello. And you're right. If this game was like TP i'd be happy. But, seriously, after Metroid Prime 3, Link the silent Hero would work perfectly. I don't see how you can justify your position?
I justify my position by appeal to tradition.
Pointing out other franchises is absolutely meaningless.
It's completely relevant to the point. People were afraid that voice acting in Metroid Prime 3 would ruin everything and it didn't. In fact it was flawless. Our silent heroine didn't speak a single a word.
Now your appeal to tradition is fair. I said earlier, if it didn't up production values it'd still be Zelda. However, I don't see why you're so against it. You don't think voice acting would bring the world more to life?
And you wouldn't purchase it solely on the fact that voice acting would ruin it in your opinion? You have no logical argument against voice acting aside from appealing to tradition. And Majora's Mask was different, did you not like that either? Zelda needs to evolve, and upping the production values is a necessity for this day and age.
Now if that's your opinion hey, fine. But if you can't bring a legitimate argument to the table then don't blast the idea.
The reason why the example set by Metroid Prime 3 doesn't apply to LoZ is that the only memorable character in Metroid is Samus. I've played all 3 of the MP games and I can't even name one other character besides Samus. So yeah, I don't mind if they give voices to a bunch of random NPC's that I never cared about to begin with. Don't get me wrong; I love Metroid Prime, but I really don't care about any other character but Samus in that game, and they didn't give her a voice.
With LoZ, it's a different story, at least for me. I actually care about Zelda and Link's village playmates. I care for the citizens of Castletown. I look at them as a much more significant part of the story than I do the NPC's in Metroid Prime. If I popped in a LoZ game and Nintendo did something silly like give Zelda an English accent, I would be pretty upset, because I never envisioned her having an English accent.
There is too much risk of alienating core fans of the LoZ with voice-acting. No matter what voice talent they go with, plenty of people would be upset because they weren't the voices that they expected based on how they played those voices out in their heads when they played previous versions of the game.
That, and it takes a certain level of imagination and fantasy out of the game.
Meh, I prefer my fairy tales to come in written form.
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