Recent rumors have reported that a new Castlevania, Golden Sun, and a game from Suda51 will be coming to the 3DS.
Apparently, the newest edition of Nintendo Dream will confirm Golden Sun and a Suda51 game on the 3DS and these are some quotes about it.
"Using 3D effects, if we can communicate the excitement of live sporting events or the emotion of RPG games, we can surely increase the value of these experiences."
"I'm afraid I can't go into detail at this time, but the features of Nintendo 3DS are really exciting to me as a developer. I'm really excited to challenge myself and create something for it."
Suda51 (creator of the No More Heroes series) also has been teasing about making a new game for the 3DS since the E3 unveiling.
"I do have many ideas," he said. "I would love to try to develop a game for 3DS if I have a chance."
The given explaination for his vagueness is so other developers won't steal his over-the-top ideas.
Regarding the Castlevania for the 3DS recent rumors (the same source that gave us rumors about Zone of Enders 3 and Metal Gear Solid 5) have this to say.
"Artists and 3D modelers have already begun to work on the next Castlevania game and that it's for 3DS."
I think it's fairly safe to say a Castlevania will come to the 3DS since all of Nintendo's past handhelds have received titles and it's been confirmed that its developer already has a 3DS development kit. But I'm a bit worried that this will mean Castlevania will go 3D instead of being 2D platformer.
Also the developer of Okamiden has expressed interest in bringing Okami to the 3DS, but said it's ultimately up to Capcom (it needs to sell),
"Where we go next with the Okami franchise is something that Capcom will need to decide on as a company, so it's difficult for me as a producer to speculate on the future. However, in my personal opinion, I think it would be interesting to bring it to the Nintendo 3DS."
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