I think that Link should go to Termina again. There's to many Zelda games with Link being in Hyrule.
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I think that Link should go to Termina again. There's to many Zelda games with Link being in Hyrule.
termina's small. zelda doesn't exist in termina. termina was made with the sole purpose of majora's mask.
keep it in hyrule, it's just a freaking name.
oh and BTW, while i preferred MM over OoT overall, the world of OoT is way better.
sup archnemesis
I liked Termina better from Hyrule of OoT. I felt that OoT and MM are tied as my second fav games. Termina is certainly the best not Hyrule land. But when your reinventing a series it should stay in a familar place
I don't really care where the game takes place as long as it's fun. Although if it were to be in a specific place I'd rather it be on the island in Link's Awakening, even though it was really only a weird dream Link had.
They should actually make a Zelda where you could explore Hyrule then the Islands from Wind Waker and Phantom Hour Glass and Link's Awakening and EVEN Holdrum and Lybrnnia (from Oracle of Seasons and Ages) and when you beat the Game you can go to Termina for an Extra Quest.
It would be THE BIGGEST Zelda Game OF ALL TIME!
the place from majora's mask @cruse - so you "kinda half disagree" with me? termina was awesome because of the people in it, but that could be arranged in hyrule. and yeah, since they're changing so much, they should keep at least some level of familiarity.what/where is termina ???
termina's small. zelda doesn't exist in termina. termina was made with the sole purpose of majora's mask.
keep it in hyrule, it's just a freaking name.
oh and BTW, while i preferred MM over OoT overall, the world of OoT is way better.
It would be possible for it to take place in Termina because it was rumored to be a Majora's Mask sequel. It was also rumored that there is no Hyrule, Ganonadorf, or Zelda character modelswhat/where is termina ???
the world in majoras mask, awesome place :) get to the virtual console N64 section and check it out ah ok , nah dont need to ... i know the place but forgot its name, its been a long time, i got the game at launch :DYessss
Haha, I love Termina. And it'd be a nice change from the last game- I'd worry it might get a little repetitive if they have it in Hyrule again (unless they do some major redesign..) seeing how the overall design of the game (judging from that art that was released) looks the same as TP. At the very least, I'd like to see a new area. Oh, if they have it in Termina, they better bring back Zora Link.
I'm not against them making a Zelda game that doesn't have Zelda. It seems that every console deserves the "reboot" game which uses the standard characters, and plot. The second game they make on the console should be the more exploratory game. That model worked well with OoT to MM, and I bet if they had switched WW and TP releases it would have worked well there too. I'm all for the next Zelda game taking place outside Hyrule, without Zelda, or Ganondorf, with the only connection being the fact its about some kid in green.
I think that Link should go to Termina again. There's to many Zelda games with Link being in Hyrule.
I also think it would be a good idea for this Link to also go too Termina.
I liked MM because it had nothing to do with saving Zelda, defeating Ganondorf, or getting the triforce.
termina's small. zelda doesn't exist in termina. termina was made with the sole purpose of majora's mask.
keep it in hyrule, it's just a freaking name.
oh and BTW, while i preferred MM over OoT overall, the world of OoT is way better.
It would be possible for it to take place in Termina because it was rumored to be a Majora's Mask sequel. It was also rumored that there is no Hyrule, Ganonadorf, or Zelda character models it was also rumored that link would'nt have a sword in this game, and guess what? whenever motion+ is mentioned, they mention how the swordplay is cool with it.YES!! I would really like Link to travel back to Terimina to see how it has changed since he's been gone. I loved Majora's Mask (It's my number one game of all time) and I loved the overworld, despite its small size. The whole mood of the game seems to be mysterious, and I never get tired of exploring Terimina. I say bring it back!!!
i dont really care as long as the word is huge and beautifull, although i think that hyrule is a better world than termina, besides, every time a zelda game takes place in hyrule, the map is deiiferent and feels really fresh, it actually feels like a different world with the same name each time.
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