And it is GORGEOUS! Yes the difference is almost entirely aesthetic, and yes I already had my launch day Wii but I don't care. I wanted it, I got it, and it was worth it :)
I absolutely love it and it looks great next to my PS3 slim. One nice thing is that beyond the free Sports Resort and Wii Motion Plus the system also came preloaded with the internet channel, Nintendo Channel and a few others. Very nice and convenient indeed! I don't know how long the systems have been coming this way but it was a nice surprise and a welcomed touch from Nintendo.
So....just spreading the love to fellow USA-ers about how awesome the black Wii is. Cheers!
im thinking of trading in my launch wii for a black one. i wonder how much in trade you get for a wiiSo...at Gamestop you'll get $80 for your Wii. Which must include one Wiimote and nuchuck. but they have a deal at the moment that if you trade in your Wii with the one controller set and then another wiimote and nnchuck you'll get $150 towards a black Wii. Wich is basically a free $50 and you end up paying only $50 for the black one. Which of course will come witha Wiimote and nunchuck. It's really a pretty fabulous deal.
HOLY SMOKES, IM GOIN THERE TO GET MINE TOMORROW!!!!!!! so in exchange for the extra wii mote and nunchuck you get wii sports resort and a wii motion plus!!!! seems like a good deal to me! im gonna definatly see whats the skinny on this deal
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