Sega has announced that they are pleased with the sales of Madworld. I'm sure it has to do with the low-budget because it didn't require much of an engine really to produce heavy textures, and such. And, secondly it wasn't marketed very well...and I didn't see many advertisements so they didn't invest much in that aspect. 70,000 sales isn't two weeks isn't too bad, just wait until the summer and next holiday season (Christmas and such) and I'm sure that it'll reach 200k sales, and I'm sure that breaks even. If you multiply 200,000 times lets say maybe 50$ that is $10,000,000 (10 million dollars) I actually think in Madworld's lifetime it'll reach 300k sales but thats just me.
Sega aren't Marketing Madworld? In which country is that????
In the UK we have Madworld adverts on Telly post 9pm watershed for starters, they are GAME sponsored (that's the major game retailer in the UK) and also show HOTD:OK at the end of the footage.
Also in the GAME I was in today is a huge Madworld point of sale shelving/advertising thing that you put at the end of the shelf, fill with Madworld games and hope they sell.
I'll be getting the game, but the wife's got me spending money on Home Improvements at the moment.
I'm also on record as stating that I fully believe deadly creatures will be a slow burner and gradually pull it's way up to decent figures over the course of the year.
One thing I didn't realise is that Mushroom Men: Spore Wars isn't out in the UK till next month. I expect that to have reasonable sales as well.
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