Alright, I've been looking hard into DS and its games lately, and I've pretty much decided to get one, except for one problem: I'm pretty much broke. College student with bills and all, and no time for a steady job. I earn only $50 a week tops covering local sports teams for the paper.
I really want Mario Kart DS and New Super Mario Bros. I've been itching for a quick platforming game, and a new Mario is just what I'm looking for. And you really can't go wrong with MK, right?
But I also want one of the Castlevanias (someone reccommend which one is better) and Metroid Prime: Hunters. I've been looking into other games, but I need coercing:
Phoenix Wright looks cool, not like anything I've ever played before, but it'll probably be a while before I get the money to get this.
Yoshi's Island DS looks tempting, because the original Yoshi's Island has been my favorite platformer ever since it came out, but is this one even close to as good as the original?
I've looked at Elite Beat Agents, and it looks like another intriguing game, but the songs all look terrible.
I'm also looking into games like Kirby Canvas Curse, Hotel Dusk, Meteos, and Final Fantasy III, but it'll probably be a while before I can scrape together enough spare cash to get me that far.
Not interested in Pokemon (liked the first three games back in the day, but I've grown out of them a bit) and Animal Crossing (not interested).Â
Bottom line, I'm about to throw my cash to the furnace and send myself into financial oblivion. Someone talk me out of it.
Or if not, just give me your opinions on the above games. ;)Â
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