I bought it when it was released way back in August (seems like a long time ago right?). Unfortunately, I haven't gotten very far because of how busy I am with university work. As of right now, I am still on Metroid Prime...I beat Thardus and the last time I played, I was fighting some Chozo ghosts who I couldn't figure out how to kill.
The Chozo ghosts are invincible to all of your weapons except the Power beam and the Super Missile. And if you think it's hard killing them now just wait. There are parts in the game where you have to take on 3 at the same time. Dead Serious. But don't sweat it, it gets easier to kill them once you get the X-Rayvisor. Also, if you hate the Chozo ghosts, in Echoes you're gonna have to take on the Shadow Pirates (which are similar to Chozo ghots except: A) You need the Dark Visor (Beat Chykka) to kill them effectively, B) All your weapons can damage them, & C) They are much, much fiercer.)
P.S: I already beat Prime 1, Echoes, and I'm close to beating Corruption (Which should be easy seeing that I have the original game.)
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