I am looking for suggestions for good multiplayer games. Particularly the more simple stuff that you could imagine a girl or older person enjoying. Something that incorporates the touch screen a decent amount. Thanks!
Nintendogs uses the touch screen alot and the dogs are cute...uhh and u can walk ur dogs together if that suits u then go for it. Mabey Zelda Phantom Hourglass i cant really think of anything.
A beat em up. But that wouldn't really work, since you have to go through the whole game. I'm talking about games like Final Fight 3, dunno much about other ones other than the Ninja Turtles one.
A beat em up. But that wouldn't really work, since you have to go through the whole game. I'm talking about games like Final Fight 3, dunno much about other ones other than the Ninja Turtles one.hydralisk86
if you enjoy bieng cheated out of rank points by hackers metroid prime hunters.unless you have you're own action replay you don't have to worry about them...
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