[QUOTE="darth-pyschosis"]I go with SMG.
Too much polish. you can tell that if NSMB Wii had the extensive development time as SMG and wasn't needed for holiday 2009 so badly to sell units, then they could've moved it to Spring 2010 and added maybe better graphics (i don't get it, it could at least look as good as Brawl, brawl has more complicated stuff going on, and i prefer the more "realisitic" look to marios overalls in Brawl as to the bland light blue in NSMB) and they could've added online 4 player co-op.
if they wanted to go all out, a level editor would've been tight
i think a level editor and online co-op is what keeps this game from being as good as SMG to me
but i understand that its still a extremely good game, and the wii's sales were down a bit from last year so nintendo really wanted to push this one out as soonest as possible without compromising the quality of the game
i'm happy they chose to give Galaxy 2 more time instead of New Super Mario however
(but i don't know why they couldn't at least use the Brawl engine or Galaxy engines to make graphics bettter)
You know online play would have in no way improved this game, not at all. A game will be good regardless of what it looks like, also that realistic look would have been off putting a for a 2D Mario. Lastly I doubt they rushed this out just for the sake of sales, it sounds like they could have gotten Galaxy 2 out this year and it would have had the same effect as this game. Yes it would have improved it. i could play it with friends across the country
thats one way it would be improved. its hard to get friends over to the same place for me, much less just to play a video game
i just don't understand why they go through all the work to make a engine for Brawl/Galaxy but don't even use it here
it doesn't make sense
nintendo online doesn't make sense as a whole, like no online in Mario baseball or Wii Sports Resort? After they put it in Kart, Brawl, Strikers?
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