I just got the Pure Heart from Francis or whatever his name is (the geek level), I think its the 4th one. I read the guide and talked to the psychic lady, they both tell me to go 3d in Merlon's house. When I do this, all I can jump on is the bookshelf and the tables. It says there will be like 5 posts to stomp on, but I don't see any. Just a small room.
The 5 posts she's talking about are in a different part of town. Starting from Merlon's, go into 3D, and go as far right as possible. Flip to 2D, go to your left, and you will find the 5 posts. You have to ground-pound on them in a specific order. What I'd do is make sure they're all raised up, then switch to 3D so it tells you which need to be sunk into the ground. After that, the heart pillar shouldappear (hope I'm not too vague, I stopped playing this after my first play).
Inside or outside of Merlon's? If I start at the door and go 3d and go right, I hit a fence. Then if I go left, its as if nothing happened and I'm just in front of Merlon's. I don't know why this is causing me so much trouble >
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