[QUOTE="--Sinister--"][QUOTE="Rocky32189"][QUOTE="--Sinister--"] Getting games for the Wii should be a no-brainer. Get the Nintendo developed and produced stuff. Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros, Zelda, Mario Kart, Metroid. Those are why I care about the Wii, I personally wouldn't waste my money on games outside of what Nintendo itself crafts. I know that 99% of them are just trying to cash in on the motion sencing. The only game I EVER considered buying thats not Nintendo is Victorious Boxers or whatever it was called. Only cause I box and wrestle, and even then I chose not to.
All respect due to those who like some games not made by Nintendo, in my opinion (and I understand I have not played them, so for all I know they could be good) they arn't anything compared to Mario or Link.
And that my friends, is why third parties don't take Nintendo consoles seriously. It's that attitude that allows crap like Mario Party to sell millions while Zack & Wiki and No More Heroes sits on the shelf.
We all know that Nintendo is the best developer/publisher but to refuse to try third party games is absolutely crazy.
I do give them a chance, I've rented a couple I wondered about and I research games them pretty well. I stated that for all I know some of them could be great, but for 40 or 50 bones? Speaking of which....Whats a Zack & Wiki? I've never heard of 'No more Heros' either...
I pray your joking (end part)
I'm not. I've never heard of either games. Are they solid games?
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