Don't listen to ironre, he's been ripping this game for months now. He has some wierd agenda against this game.TheLordMagnus
lolz how have u been Magnus?...but yeh when i first ripped on it, ppl told me to wait till E3 to see, and E3 came and went, and it still looks depressingly bad when the textures are rather have amazin textures (as much as the wii hardware can permit) than have amazin lightning etc...this game is not artistically impressive, and thats what really reall counts...and i did say postive things abt the game, tho theres only a few good things to say...
compare this game to half life , halo, UT, Cod, RSV, STALKER, Far Cry, crysis etc....dont think abt the graphics comparison, just think abt the AI, the way things are set, the charactr models, the way those games feel polished, and then say that this game is good..and believe me you wont be able to say it.....for those of you that have never played a good FPS before, this game will look amazin, but for the rest of us that have, this game looks like garbage....also its online multiplayer will most probably not be comprable to Quake , UT, Halo (yes even this POS), cod, Cs, battlefield etc..this is just generic, by a no name dev..
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