Stuff like this happens in the industry all the time. Maybe not at this level but 80% of the games we play do not start out the way they finish. Let me give you some examples, I don't care if you love or hate the specific games.
Ratchet and Clank started out as girl with a stick. Warhawk did not start out as a multiplayer game and they switched gears halfway through. People are freaking out over a game that won't even be completed and distributed in the fall of 2011. People are already bashing a game's only screenshot of an extremely early build. How about people actually express their hatred after the game is actually out?
I just find it odd that people claim to have bought the Wii because it wasn't all about shooters and now they are complaining because the grinder could no longer be a first person shooter. They claim that the Wii needs more of them even though they did not want to play those types of games. I am just pointing out what goes on in this forum.
You have got 3 Call of Duty's Medal of Honor Heroes 2, Red Steel 2, and Metroid for first person shooter or action game. You also have the Conduit which the critics in general said was worth playing to some degree. Everybody just decided the game was crap and did not give it a chance.
There is at least one topic per week on this forum on why can't wii get similar or the same games as the other systems. Now people are getting the same thing and complaints arise. Going multiplat is not rare anymore. It happened to both the other systems so why is the Wii so special? FF 13, Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, Bioshock, Star Ocean, and Tekken 6 all went multiplat. It's the nature of things these. Now it's the Wii's turn to lose exclusives. It goes three ways.
Give the game a chance and wish for the best. Who wants a game to suck? no one.
First, and this is more a question in general than directed at you: why do people always equate "this game will suck" with "I want this game to suck", or more generally, why do people equate statements about what one feels will be the case with statements about what one wants to be the case? Whether or not I want the game to suck has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not the game will suck.
And sure, games change from their initial conception. But not in the way that the Grinder has changed. They already demoed the game to the public as a first-person shooter. It's not as though this change happened behind closed doors; HVS came out and said, "look, here's what we got", then after having done that they decided both that it would be multiplat and that it would not be an FPS. To demo a game to the public and then to completely change it after having done that? That's just weird, and I can't help but feel that it betrays a lack of planning, due diligence, and drive to make the game as perfect as possible before releasing it.
lol true, but to be completely fair to them the bulk of their resume is comprised of low budget, rush job license games. Show me anybody who crafted a fine resume of license games in the modern era and I'll show a dog who can do fractions :P When it comes to making the game multiplat a move like that is probably from the publisher(probably Sega again). Its believable that Sega looked at The Conduit and said "Well we cant do that again, lets go multiplat" then they looked and said "Oh wait now were going against CoD, MoH, Halo, probably L4D? Screw that" lol and then they pulled back on the FPS idea. Even if it isn't Sega, publishers they were shopping it around to could have told them, they would be more interested if it were multiplat. Regardless of whoever made the decision, it was not a wise decision, I cant think this top down thing was to smart either. I don't see Sony or MS using this for a stage demo at this years E3 lol.
Sure, HVS has done low-budget, rush job license games for most of their existence... but what does that say about the team that they are more than happy to do that?
Because you don't know whether the game will suck. You can't evidence to suggest it other than some very early build of the game. The game is not do out until over a year from now. People are suggesting that just because a company has made somewhat meh games in the past that they will continue to make bad games. An example of the opposite happening would be free radical. That whole team was responsible for some great things last generation only to make haze and screw their record up, which put them out of business. A lot of people that were part of free radical used to be part of Rare back in the Goldeneye days.
Yes in other words people are not giving this game a shot despite it's extremely early development and I think it is a bit shallow for people to be doing so. Other than an early build you no one knows anything.
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