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yeah you guys are not the only ones who think they are getting worse. There are maybe a handful of the newest pokemon that I may be interested, but other than that they all blow. I heard the only reason why they will never be as good as the original 150 pokemon is because the guy who's was the artist that made the original 150 pokemon is now like the head of Gamefreak company
Yeah, yeah, so a lot of people keep saying. IMO, the games themselves have only gotten better. The designs, and anything else beyond the games in the franchise, may be a different situation.
Sure, Gen I and Gen V have distintively different art styles, but so did Gen II, III, and IV. Admit it, Gen I had some boring designs (Muk, Voltorb, etc.) and names (Seal, Pidgey, etc.). The only thing making any other gen seem better is nostalgia, and the fact that you were undoubtedly younger during those generations.
Sure, Gen V has some designs I don't like and names (Pidove, ugh!), but it has about as many that I like than any other generation.
Personally, I think they're just getting different with designs, which certainly isn't a bad thing.
yeah i guess your right (i like muk though) it probably is just nostalgia that getting the better of me. i do like the gen 5 eagle pokemon reeeeeaaaalllyyyy want oneYeah, yeah, so a lot of people keep saying. IMO, the games themselves have only gotten better. The designs, and anything else beyond the games in the franchise, may be a different situation.
Sure, Gen I and Gen V have distintively different art styles, but so did Gen II, III, and IV. Admit it, Gen I had some boring designs (Muk, Voltorb, etc.) and names (Seal, Pidgey, etc.). The only thing making any other gen seem better is nostalgia, and the fact that you were undoubtedly younger during those generations.
Sure, Gen V has some designs I don't like and names (Pidove, ugh!), but it has about as many that I like than any other generation.
Personally, I think they're just getting different with designs, which certainly isn't a bad thing.
Satoshi Tajiri worked on the original games and co-designed the Pokémon up to Gold/Silver/Crystal. But lately he's taking a back seat to all the work and he's just an executive produceR (a fancy way of saying original creator) due to developing some mental illnesses. The games have gotten a new director since generation III. Also each gen more and more artists are hired, so more styles are present which may or may not be liked by fans.yeah you guys are not the only ones who think they are getting worse. There are maybe a handful of the newest pokemon that I may be interested, but other than that they all blow. I heard the only reason why they will never be as good as the original 150 pokemon is because the guy who's was the artist that made the original 150 pokemon is now like the head of Gamefreak company
lol they just mishmash whatever now...they got boring maybe after 256?....or however many that was first introduce..still only like the old ones like Bulbasaur, & Charzard.
As terrible as the new Black/White Pokemon may look, they look adorable.:) I want a pokemon game with all the regions in them and I actually want to the see the random Pokemon running around me, kind of like what they did for the enemies in Final Fantasy XII. But I have to agree, ever since the Diamond/Pearl games came out, Pokemon just seems incredibly boring and uninteresting now.
It is actually just mishmash for most of them[QUOTE="superbuuman"]
lol they just mishmash whatever now...they got boring maybe after 256?....or however many that was first introduce..still only like the old ones like Bulbasaur, & Charzard.
Samurai + Walrus + Sea Lion =
yeah would would of thought that the final form of a baby sea otter would be like a samurai's underwater cousin.
Its one of the reason why Im getting Snivy as a starter :3
At least his final form looks nothing like a ninja snake.
*Sigh* It seems every generation a new generation of haters are born.
The first generation of Pokémon will always be more original then the ones that came after, but only because it came first. Switch Kanto gen and Unova gen, lets say Unova gen came first, you'd all be in here complaining about how un-original and uncreative the Kanto Pokémon are.
It is actually just mishmash for most of them[QUOTE="ZIVX"]
lol they just mishmash whatever now...they got boring maybe after 256?....or however many that was first introduce..still only like the old ones like Bulbasaur, & Charzard.
Samurai + Walrus + Sea Lion =
yeah would would of thought that the final form of a baby sea otter would be like a samurai's underwater cousin.
Its one of the reason why Im getting Snivy as a"e_msg_id=327843324starter :3
At least his final form looks nothing like a ninja snake.
now to get them all you have to go to gameshop and trade and use ds wi-fi*Sigh* It seems every generation a new generation of haters are born.
The first generation of Pokémon will always be more original then the ones that came after, but only because it came first. Switch Kanto gen and Unova gen, lets say Unova gen came first, you'd all be in here complaining about how un-original and uncreative the Kanto Pokémon are.
I agree, that's how I see it. These are all biased opinions.
*Sigh* It seems every generation a new generation of haters are born.
The first generation of Pokémon will always be more original then the ones that came after, but only because it came first. Switch Kanto gen and Unova gen, lets say Unova gen came first, you'd all be in here complaining about how un-original and uncreative the Kanto Pokémon are.
I agree, that's how I see it. These are all biased opinions.
All generations have amazing and craptastic designs. The only reason to think that the new generation have more captastic designs is nostalgia.
The art style has obviously changed a lot. I wont say for the worse because there are plenty that love the new style, but just go and take a look at generation 1 and 2. THere was a sort of gritty, fantasy element to them. I could totally see some of these pokemon in real life. But im guessing the more cutesy, friendly and sometmes out there crazy look that the new pokemon come out with now is more marketable. I'm not saying jinx or hitmonlee wasnt weird, but i could totally see most of the older pokemon as real monsters. as for the newer generation, there are a few that do fall into that category and that i dont mind or actually like, but most of them just dont have the same feel.
I said it before and I'll say it again: Pearl will be my last pokemon game. I have played them all since Blue. It was a fun journey, but I've had enough. No more pokemon for me (specially after seeing the 5th gen sprites). The 5th gen pokemon are ice-creams with faces, monkey eevees, a big gus, flying pikachu rip-off, a polar bear with an erection, a mushroom with a pokeball head (poke balls were invented by humans... why this natural monster has a head of something human made???), a gear with eyes, a teddy-bear with flu, etc.
And most of the rest look generic.
I believe they should keep making new regions but keep the same pokemon in the next games besides maybe new starters. Soon there will be way to many pokemon and all the new ones suck. One is basically a living chandelier for christs sake!Nick3306
I actually thought that one was creative. Magnemite is a living magnet, metal ball cyclopes-thing.
And Driflbim is a living hot air balloon.
Next they will have a pencil or a remote control.... its really getting depressing.Nick3306
Gen IV had a living washing machine! Does one poor design take away from all the great designs? I don't think so, but it appears that most people have this mentality. Please, praise the good ones while you criticize the bad ones.
[QUOTE="Nick3306"]Next they will have a pencil or a remote control.... its really getting depressing.Nubukon
Gen IV had a living washing machine! Does one poor design take away from all the great designs? I don't think so, but it appears that most people have this mentality. Please, praise the good ones while you criticize the bad ones.
the real question here is, does one good design take away from the many poor designs of pokemon you will have to see over and over and over again... think geodude or zubat but with a poor design (though thats opiniated i guess since i like geodude's design and am sorta fine with zubats). I havent actually looked up much about black and white besides the sprites and the pokemon list but i really hope the common pokemon arent the ones that are of poor design :(
[QUOTE="Nick3306"]Next they will have a pencil or a remote control.... its really getting depressing.bionicle_lover
Gen IV had a living washing machine! Does one poor design take away from all the great designs? I don't think so, but it appears that most people have this mentality. Please, praise the good ones while you criticize the bad ones.
the real question here is, does one good design take away from the many poor designs of pokemon you will have to see over and over and over again... think geodude or zubat but with a poor design (though thats opiniated i guess since i like geodude's design and am sorta fine with zubats). I havent actually looked up much about black and white besides the sprites and the pokemon list but i really hope the common pokemon arent the ones that are of poor design :(
No, I don't think it does. Good, bad, and all in-between, they're all there. I just don't like seeing people bring down an entire generation based off a couple of bad designs.
I would bet that if the Gen 5 and Gen 1 Pokemon were switched (meaning Gen 5 become the original Pokemon and Gen 1 the most recent) everyone would be saying how they are way worse then the older ones.
People only think they are getting worse because the styl for Pokemon has changed. In the earlier Gens they looked very similar to the thing they were based off of; now the Pokemon are based off of more unorthodox things (like ice cream, gears, etc.) and have a more complicated design.
If Pokemon originally went from complex to simple design people would be complaining about that.
Also, most people tend to (but not always) like the first Gen of Pokemon they start with the best, becuase they become used to those designs.
Personally, I think this Gen is great.
I sort of grew up with it too. I was 13 when Blue came out. I admit that a lot of my favorites are in the first two generations. Those were the best, especially the first. Lickitung? Win. Bulbasaur? WIN.
Ugh. Look at the middle one--he's HORRIBLE!You mean every four years the Pokémon designs get worse.
Satoshi Tajiri worked on the original games and co-designed the Pokémon up to Gold/Silver/Crystal. But lately he's taking a back seat to all the work and he's just an executive produceR (a fancy way of saying original creator) due to developing some mental illnesses. The games have gotten a new director since generation III. Also each gen more and more artists are hired, so more styles are present which may or may not be liked by fans.
I would bet that if the Gen 5 and Gen 1 Pokemon were switched (meaning Gen 5 become the original Pokemon and Gen 1 the most recent) everyone would be saying how they are way worse then the older ones.
This and this.
Every gen has its good and bad designs and every fan will have different opinions about them. However, the design is not the only thing that makes up a Pokemon.
Satoshi Tajiri worked on the original games and co-designed the Pokémon up to Gold/Silver/Crystal. But lately he's taking a back seat to all the work and he's just an executive produceR (a fancy way of saying original creator) due to developing some mental illnesses. The games have gotten a new director since generation III. Also each gen more and more artists are hired, so more styles are present which may or may not be liked by fans.[QUOTE="ModestJakester"]
yeah you guys are not the only ones who think they are getting worse. There are maybe a handful of the newest pokemon that I may be interested, but other than that they all blow. I heard the only reason why they will never be as good as the original 150 pokemon is because the guy who's was the artist that made the original 150 pokemon is now like the head of Gamefreak company
Developing some mental illness? People's ignorance of autism scared me... if my memory serves right, Pokemon is based on the imaginations of an autistic guy who is high on the Austistic spectrum disorder (lucky for him, those on the low side of the spectrum have no communication abilities, and besides, Einstein and other great people were high on the spectrum). Autism is a disorder related to the connections between the mind and body, as well as the development of the brain. For some, the illness is degenerative. MOST IMPORTANTLY, it's not a mental illness, rather, it's a related to the nervous system as I said previously. Anyways, the main reason the new pokemon are awful is because the source is not the same. We were all enjoying the world an autistic person came up with. The second generation was made with him, and all following were made without him, thus losing the natural appeal they had. We don't understand the mind of an autistic individual, nor can we imitate it. The new pokemon are really silly imitations.
Part of my love for the originals is probably nostalgia, but its not about the good or bad designs, at least for me. Its the change of art direction. The older pokemon look more grittier, meaner, some of them looked like plain old animals, but had special powers. The newer generations fly more into the campy realm with the smily faces and a style that just makes all the newer pokemon more "cuter." Personally, i havent spent much time looking at all the gen 5 pokemon, but the ones such as the alligator and the zebra are ones that i would love to see be the main focus. They represent a more realistic image, though pokemon will never be "realistic" but it just seems more down to earth.
At this point i feel like im rambling because its hard to express what i want to say, but the older pokemon felt more simplistic and grittier. The intimidating ones were intimidating. Part of it is the demeanor in which a lot of these pokemon are drawn and colored. I feel like some of the newer ones seem like decent ideas but pulled off in a different art style. If asked, i will always say the first two generations were the best, but i am willing to acknowledge the shift in style so i can understand other people liking the newer ones more.
But deep down, something just doesnt feel right about the new ones :P
the weird thing is, i dont know why i dont accept gen 3 as well. If i remember correctly, i went on a long hiatus after gen 3 before gettign gen 4 within the last year.
ONe would think that gen 3 would have snuck into my nostalgia goggles, but it doesnt. THat's why i actually do believe in the art style change that im talking about :P
Satoshi Tajiri worked on the original games and co-designed the Pokémon up to Gold/Silver/Crystal. But lately he's taking a back seat to all the work and he's just an executive produceR (a fancy way of saying original creator) due to developing some mental illnesses. The games have gotten a new director since generation III. Also each gen more and more artists are hired, so more styles are present which may or may not be liked by fans.
I would bet that if the Gen 5 and Gen 1 Pokemon were switched (meaning Gen 5 become the original Pokemon and Gen 1 the most recent) everyone would be saying how they are way worse then the older ones.
This and this.
Every gen has its good and bad designs and every fan will have different opinions about them. However, the design is not the only thing that makes up a Pokemon.
Yeah! There are good and bad each gen, and the style always changes, and people always get used to 'em!Satoshi Tajiri worked on the original games and co-designed the Pokémon up to Gold/Silver/Crystal. But lately he's taking a back seat to all the work and he's just an executive produceR (a fancy way of saying original creator) due to developing some mental illnesses. The games have gotten a new director since generation III. Also each gen more and more artists are hired, so more styles are present which may or may not be liked by fans.[QUOTE="ZIVX"]
yeah you guys are not the only ones who think they are getting worse. There are maybe a handful of the newest pokemon that I may be interested, but other than that they all blow. I heard the only reason why they will never be as good as the original 150 pokemon is because the guy who's was the artist that made the original 150 pokemon is now like the head of Gamefreak company
Developing some mental illness? People's ignorance of autism scared me... if my memory serves right, Pokemon is based on the imaginations of an autistic guy who is high on the Austistic spectrum disorder (lucky for him, those on the low side of the spectrum have no communication abilities, and besides, Einstein and other great people were high on the spectrum). Autism is a disorder related to the connections between the mind and body, as well as the development of the brain. For some, the illness is degenerative. MOST IMPORTANTLY, it's not a mental illness, rather, it's a related to the nervous system as I said previously. Anyways, the main reason the new pokemon are awful is because the source is not the same. We were all enjoying the world an autistic person came up with. The second generation was made with him, and all following were made without him, thus losing the natural appeal they had. We don't understand the mind of an autistic individual, nor can we imitate it. The new pokemon are really silly imitations.
I didn't read his bio and I remember being told that he had some mental issues, but I did not know he was autistic. Reading his wiki right now I can see that he was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome.Please Log In to post.
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