I've been bored with the Wii for a while now and its starting to gather dust. Now don't start jumping on my backside and don't start calling me a loser or faboy or anything of that sort. I just want to know if theres anything good for the Wii. Yes I know theres the addictive Wii Sports but it can only keep my attention for so long. And frankly....there are few games that can keep me occupied for as long as it did. And yes there is Metroid Prime 3....but I've already beaten it. And Twilight Princess.....well its not as long as people say it is....I beat it within 20 hours of gametime while they say alot have beaten it in 40+ hours. I don't mean to bash your games....but right now....I've been playing my 360 while the Wii has been gathering dust for the past month. And to be honest.....the 360s been more fun to play right now. I know theres great games coming out like Brawl and No More Heroes..but those appear to be the only games coming out that im interested in. And with Halo 3 and Mass Effect becoming competition for Brawl and No More Heroes...I just don't know if I should get rid of my Wii. any help guys?
P.S: I will ask for any fanboy responces like "You suck!" or "360/Wii sucks.get a PS3/360" to be erased so don't post any.
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